Číslo 3 (2010) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Křupka, Jiří
Kašparová, Miloslava
Jirava, Pavel
Modelování kvality života pomocí rozhodovacích stromů This paper presents one of the possibilities of the decision theory that can be used in the mode- lling of the quality of life in a given city in the Czech Republic. Real data sets of citizen questioners for the city of Chrudim were analysed, pre-process... |
Myslivec, Jaroslav
Skalská, Hana
Vizualizace vícerozměrných dat symbolovými grafy Visualization of multidimensional data is presented here as a tool for displaying quantitative content of data. The aim of visualization methods is to arrange information about the data file in such a way that new visual information is descriptive and informative enou... |
Stavárek, Daniel
Vodová, Pavla
Analýza dlouhodobých vazeb na českém trhu úvěrů Successful transformation of the financial system in any transition country is essential precon- dition for efficient transformation of the whole economy. The financial system in the Central Euro- pean countries is traditionally based on banks and credit market. Therefore, we see ... |
Böhm, Arnošt
Tůmová, Kristýna
Pojištění vývozních úvěrů v současné ekonomické situaci Credit insurance market is today one of the important segments of domestic, European and world insurance market. As most economies face downturn... |
Lukášová, Růžena
Klapalová, Alena
Vzájemné postoje malých podniků a úřadů místní správy z pohledu relationship marketingu (výsledky empirického výzkumu) Small enterprises, as the results of studies aimed at finding out the level of marketing implemen- tation in the practice of this type of enterprises show, still use marketing techniques to a small de- gree. This is caused by the fact that the instruments provided&... |
Shaman Herath, Chaminda
Motivation as a potential variable to explain farmer´s behavioral change in agricultural technology adoption decisions Technology adoption plays a key role in improving productivity and income from farmlands in developed and dev eloping counties. However, new technologies have not been fully utilized by the farmers over the past years [16]. Technology adoption depends on farme... |
Kostečka, Jan
Furmaníková, Lada
Štyvarová, Dita
Management změny v transformujících se zařízeních sociálních služeb The text is devoted to the topic of the change management in the process of transformation of residential social services in the Czech Republic. The basic context of these changes is given by the Act No. 108/2006 Coll. on social services and its impleme... |
Zimermanová, Katarína
Selected actual aspects of employees remuneration in small and medium-sized Ccmpanies Employees ́remuneration is one of the most important aspects of personnel administration in a company. Its scope often depends on company size and subject of its activities. Large compa- nies usually dispose with sufficient amount of qualified staff and their procedures in&... |
Eger, Ludvík
Application of the corporate culture in the field of school management The paper presents an application of concept of corporate culture. The school management is in the Czech Republic a new discipline in a progress. Our faculty has been offering special cour- ses for headmasters since 1997. We began to create an application of marke... |
Poslanecké dotace v kontextu implikací pro regionální rozvoj The paper focuses on the regional differention in allocation of the financial resources distribu- ted through parliamentary grants in the period of 2003 - 2007. The aim is to contribute to the de- bate on public financial flows within the territory of the Czech Rep... |
Freňáková, Magdaléna
Gazda, Vladimír
Jasovská, Jana
Hidden cooperation or competition among industrial production branches: some results for the Slovak republic The main objective of this study was to examine the “hidden” cooperative/competitive relations among the industrial production branches, which are neither technologically nor operationally in- terconnected. We assume the existence of two relation forms. In the cooperation form, the... |
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