Číslo 1 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Slavíček, Václav
Enhancing business process management with knowledge Both Business Process Management and Knowledge Management are fully developed, auto- nomous disciplines. However, for an organization to utilize them to a maximum, these two have to be introduced in a coordinated way. This is a subject of Business Process Oriented Knowledge... |
Pathirawasam, Chandrapala
Idirisinghe, I. M. S. K.
Market efficiency, thin trading and non-linear behavior: emerging market evidence from Sri Lanka This paper investigates the efficiency of Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) taking into account the possibility of non-linearities in the price time series, and thin trading characteristics of the Sri Lankan stock market. We use the data on the All Share Price Index (... |
Flešková, Marta
Babiaková, Barbora
Nedelová, Gabriela
Preferencie vysokoškolských študentov v profesionálnom živote a ich predstavy o vlastnom podnikaní The entrepreneurship of young people belongs among the priorities of present. It is supported also by European Commission – entrepreneurship is considered as one of the possibilities how to solve the problem of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. The entrepreneurship... |
Jetmarová, Barbora
Benchmarking: methods of raising company efficiency by learning from the best-in-class The contribution is focused on one of the methods of assessing business performance - ben- chmarking and its application in one of the companies operating in the construction sector. Ben- chmarking has been for a longer time one of the phenomena, what contemporary moder... |
Reissová, Alice
Hrach, Karel
Personální controlling a řízení personálních procesů The article deals with personnel controlling and its introduction within individual personnel pro- cesses. The first part focuses on controlling management. It mentions the considerable disunity of the terminology resulting in frequent misunderstandings in practice. To avoid this, we ... |
Rajnoha, Rastislav
Dobrovič, Ján
Simultánne riadenie ekonomiky a procesov znalosťou pridanej hodnoty Nowadays, many consultant companies dealing with the implementation of costing and calcu- lation systems offer alternative calculation systems based on performed activities and processes - so called Activity Based Costing systems (ABC). Managers must decide which conception they ... |
Šimanová, Jana
Trešl, Filip
Vývoj průmyslové koncentrace a specializace v regionech NUTS3 České republiky v kontextu dynamizace regionální komparativní výhody The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the impact of economic integration processes and economic policies on the regional industrial structure and regional comparative advantage development in the period from 1998 – 2008. The paper explores manufacturing industry&... |
Mielcová, Elena
Economic growth and unemployment rate of the transition country: the case of the Czech republic 1996-2009 The main aim of this paper is to compare estimations and results for Okun’s law relation coeffi- cients of the Czech economy 1996-2009 with coefficients for economies of the US and France. These countries were chosen to compare the most discussed US economy with... |
Malá, Zdeňka
Efficiency analysis of czech organic agriculture Organic agriculture is the fastest developing branch of Czech agricultural production. Neverthe- less, foreign research indicates that it is not being dealt with using efficient production technology. This research has not yet been undertaken in the Czech Republic, and therefore ... |
Katircioglu, Salih
The bounds test to the level relationship and causality between foreign direct investment and international tourism: the case of Turkey Research on searching the empirical relationship between international tourism and foreign direct investment (FDI) is quite rare in the relevant literature. [16] find that FDI is a catalyst for inter- national tourism in the case of China. However, more empirical works are&... |
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