Číslo 3 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Molnár, Zdeněk
Střelka, Jindřich
Competitive intelligence v malých a středních podnicích The use of methods and tools of Competitive Intelligence (CI) is still domain of large multinationals enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a little knowledge about what CI is, how to implement CI and what benefits can CI bring them. Therefore t... |
Belás, Jaroslav
Cipovová, Eva
Novák, Petr
Polách, Jiří
Dopady použitia základného prístupu interných ratingov na finančnú výkonnosť komerčnej banky The aim of this article is to present theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of internal rating model’s validation for commercial banks and quantify potential impact of foundation internal ratings based approach on financial performance of banks. The quality and the e... |
Švecová, Lenka
Scholleová, Hana
Fotr, Jiří
Vybrané aspekty investičního rozhodování: poznatky z empirických výzkumů The paper is based on results of studies related to capital budgeting practices used in the Czech Republic and abroad. First these studies based on questionnaire responses are briefly described. The rest of the paper covers two important areas of investment decision making... |
Martinčík, David
Polívka, Martin
Contribution of corporate social responsibility to the shareholder value: experimental perspective The article deals with the possibility of the Corporate Social Responsibility concept to increase the shareholder value. This value is expressed as Economic Value Added in conjunction with business science. Firstly, the theoretical analysis of separate parts of EVA is carried out... |
Taušl Procházková, Petra
Podnikatelský inkubátor jako nástroj podpory malého a středního podnikání The paper focuses on the problem of business incubator as a tool of support of small and medium size enterprises. Small and medium size entrepreneurs represent a very important group of business subjects in the world economy which fights a number of issues. Most... |
Gavurová, Beáta
Source identification of potential malfunction of balanced scorecard system and Its influence on system function The constantly increasing complexity of competitive environment emphasizes the demands on area of measurement and performance control in many companies. Number of utilized systems for measurement and performance control were criticized due to many asymmetries in the sphere of measure... |
Mikušová Meričková, Beáta
Vozárová, Zuzana
Determinanty prínosu outsourcovania služieb vo verejnom sektore The public sector efficiency can be understood as the systematic rational decision about the public policy goals and the arrangements of its obtaining. Demonopolisation of public service production and the alternative service delivering arrangements in public sector can be marked as... |
Brunet-Thornton, Richard
Bureš, Vladimír
Cross-cultural management: establishing a czech benchmark One of the more frequently used terms to describe international business in the twenty-first century is globalisation. To many, this implies an easier access to foreign markets and a harmonisation of business practices across the planet. However, to som... |
Holá, Jana
Internal communication in the small and medium sized enterprises In today’s competitive world, the management of human resources plays an integral role as it influences prosperity of the company. The satisfied and loyal employees – internal stakeholders create the foundation for effective work within the real life of the company which... |
Tvrdoň, Michal
Tuleja, Pavel
Verner, Tomáš
Ekonomická výkonnost a trh práce v kontextu ekonomické krize: zkušenosti ze zemí Visegradské čtyřky Generally, economic performance declines and the unemployment rate rises during the economic crisis. This relationship was confirmed in the past several crises. The last one started in 2008. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of the crisis on economic performance ... |
Zdeněk, Radek
Střeleček, František
Hodnocení vývoje zaměstnanosti, průměrné mzdy a produktivity práce pomocí shift-share analýzy The enlargement of the EU in 2004 considerably increased differences in national production; however differences in regional level were even more significant. 90 % of population in new member states live in regions with gross domestic product per capita lower than 75 % ... |
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