Title: Spolupráce obcí a měst: české a evropské přístupy ke slučování obcí a meziobecní spolupráci
Authors: Ježek, Jiří
Malast, Jan
Kopecký, Martin
Kaňka, Lukáš
Citation: JEŽEK, Jiří; MALAST, Jan; KOPECKÝ, Martin; KAŇKA, Lukáš. Spolupráce obcí a měst: české a evropské přístupy ke slučování obcí a meziobecní spolupráci. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015. 211 s. ISBN 978-80-261-0698-2.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: monografie
URI: http://www.zcu.cz/export/sites/zcu/pracoviste/vyd/online/FEK_SpolupraceObciAMest.pdf
ISBN: 978-80-261-0698-2
Keywords: fragmentace obcí;slučování obcí;meziobecní spolupráce;lokální rozvoj;regionální rozvoj;regionální management;Česká republika;Evropa
Keywords in different language: fragmentation of municipalities;merging of municipalities;inter-municipal cooperation;local development;regional development;regional management;Czech republic;Europe
Abstract in different language: The book is devoted to topical issues of cooperation between municipalities and cities. It analyzes the experience of selected foreign countries and the Czech Republic with merging municipalities and inter-municipal cooperation. It offers actual legal analysis of possibilities of mergers and cooperation between municipalities in the Czech Republic. It also analyzes the attitudes of Czech municipalities and the cities on issues of mergers and cooperation. In conclusion it offers a concept of how to organize and manage (lead) inter-municipal cooperation and how to proceed in establishing a successful organization of inter-municipal cooperation. The first chapter is called " Between merging municipalities and inter-municipal cooperation: inter-municipal cooperation as an alternative to merging municipalities?” It seeks an answer to the question how can small municipalities cope with current challenges such as the increasing demands of citizens on the quality of public services, increasing complexity of tasks, financial restrictions, globalization and Europeanization, increasing competition of the municipalities and the towns for a qualified labor force, investors, tourists etc. It concludes that there are basically two ideal solutions: either the amalgamation of municipalities or strengthening of inter-municipal cooperation. It provides a summary of the arguments for and against merging municipalities or strengthening inter-municipal cooperation. As benchmarks it uses the effectiveness of the public administration, democratic decision-making, financing method and finally their benefits for the municipalities, the state and a civil society. It concludes that both the amalgamation of municipalities and inter-municipal cooperation have their strengths and weaknesses. It will always depend on the perspective from which we look on them (economic, social, political, administration) and a kind of criteria we will use to evaluate them. Even in the countries where there was a significant amalgamation of the municipalities, there are still economic and competitive reasons for development of inter-municipal cooperation. The second chapter deals with the merging of the municipalities and the inter-municipal cooperation in the selected countries. Its aim is to analyze the experience of the selected European countries (France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Finland). The attention is given to the countries whose experiences particularly in merging the municipalities have been most often discussed in our country. Mainly the credible literary sources that deal with this issue were chosen as a source of information. The greatest attention is paid to France, because its community of municipalities concept is one of the most discussed in the Czech Republic. When comparing different countries, we cannot clearly confirm the advantages or disadvantages of efforts to consolidate the fragmented local administrative structures. The third chapter deals with the organizational models of inter-municipal cooperation in the German- speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Summary and evaluation of international experience with inter-municipal cooperation, respectively their generalization or typology, is a very difficult and complex matter. The individual cases of inter-municipal cooperation examined by us greatly differ indeed. As a criterion of their evaluation we have chosen: how they are initiated, geographic scope, the role of the state and the method of financing. These are aspects that must be taken into account in every pursuit of a strategic approach to inter-municipal cooperation. Those criteria also have considerable practical importance. 204 Other chapters (4th to 7th) are dedicated to the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter introduces a historical evolution of legal forms of inter-municipal cooperation in the territory of the Czech Republic from their beginnings, from Stadion´s provisional municipal establishment (1949) until today. On historical background of municipal government development in its modern conception, it presents the basic forms of intermunicipal cooperation and it defines and clarifies their nature. The fifth and sixth chapters are devoted to current legal options for merging municipalities and inter-municipal cooperation in the Czech Republic. The seventh chapter is dedicated to public contracts as an instrument of inter-municipal cooperation. All that based on the analysis of current law capturing a state of the date September 1, 2015. The eighth chapter presents a critical analysis of the attitudes of Czech municipalities and towns to merge the municipalities and the inter-municipal cooperation. It is based on the findings of the extensive empirical research done in 2014-2015. The research subject were the attitudes of Czech municipalities and towns to merging municipalities and the inter-municipal cooperation, as well as their preferences and evaluation of various forms of inter-municipal cooperation. The results of this research show, inter alia, that more than half of respondents - representatives of municipalities and towns are convinced that more intensive inter-municipal cooperation in conditions of the Czech Republic is the best way how to consolidate the fragmented local government. The greater attention should be given to its public support, especially funding. The biggest concern, if there should be the amalgamation of municipalities, is a loss of a local identity. The last two chapters are practically oriented. The ninth chapter summarizes the findings of the inter-municipal respectively the territorial cooperation management of organizations, which is mostly in German -speaking countries known as "regional management". Regional management in this regard means the organizational structures at different spatial levels (local, micro-regional, regional) aims to coordinate and integrate activities to support local and regional development. These are intermediate structures, which seeks to connect actors both in politics and public administration, as well as the economy and civil society. The concept of regional management turns out to be a suitable model for how to manage the activities of organizations of the intermunicipal cooperation. The last tenth chapter is purely practical, it provides a methodology how to establish and lead organizations of the inter-municipal cooperation. It identifies nine key decisions that must be made in the ideal case by founders of the inter-municipal cooperation organizations to be successful. Those decisions include: initiation, creation of development strategy, the choice of tasks and objectives of the organization, choice of legal form, the selection of appropriate organizational structure, choice of funding method, choice of a territorial scope (range) of the organization, selection of key development projects and setting up a monitoring system. At the end it presents the proposition of evaluation criteria for the comprehensive evaluation of the activities of the organizations of the inter-municipal cooperation.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Monografie a kolektivní monografie / Monographs and collective monographs (KGE)
Monografie / Monographs

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