Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Papež, Luděk
CFD výpočet difuzoru tunelové větrné turbíny The bachelor's thesis deals with air flow around two shape concepts of diffusers and examines the influence of the shape of the diffuser on the increase in air flow speed. A CFD calculation of the flow simulation is performed for one diffuser without a flange, for... |
Sýkora, Jaroslav
Hluk turbínových spojek The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of turbine coupling noise. The introduction of the thesis provides theoretical knowledge about the physical properties of sound. Furthermore, the thesis includes a description of the experiment and the evaluation of the measured data. Finally, it... |
Kolečko, Martin
Modelování experimentální smyčky pro měření kritického tepelného toku The bachelor thesis contains a description of an experimental loop for critical heat flux measurements. Subsequently, the loop is created in Apros 6 Nuclear. The individual components are described in detail and some of them are supported by stationary calculation to verify the cor... |
Ranš, Matej
Rešerše experimentálních metod pro měření vlhkosti páry pomocí optických sond v parních turbínách This thesis deals with optical methods for measuring liquid phase properties (droplet size, droplet quantity, droplet velocity and direction) in a steam turbine. Methods for measuring small, primary droplets (e.g., the extinction method) and methods for measuring larger, secondary droplets (e.g.,... |
Kadavý, Tomáš
Sledování vlivu průtočného průřezu kolem palivového proutku na vzniku krize přestupu tepla The bachelor thesis describes the critical heat flux in a nuclear reactor. It describes the design of fuel elements in a nuclear reactor, heat transfer in a nuclear reactor and the phenomenon of the critical heat flux. Furthemore it describes temperature m... |
Mrázová, Anna
Návrh potrubí provozovaného v rozsahu meze tečení, teplotně dilatační výpočet The task of this bachelor thesis is to design a steam pipeline in E3D according to the given steam parameters, then select two materials and then assess which material option is more suitable. The thesis also includes strength calculations of the components in VVD and str... |
Hrach, Jan
Porovnání návrhů na nový jaderný zdroj v ČR (Dukovany) z pohledu výkonu, počtu smyček a parogenerátorů včetně jejich typů This work focuses on comparing designs for a new nuclear power source planned near the current Dukovany NPP, Czech Republic. The introduction describes the principles of reactors and presents the main types of reactors used. Furthermore, the deteriorating energy situation in the Czech... |
Čančíková, Kateřina
Návrh a optimalizace potrubního systému s teplotně dilatačním výpočtem This bachelor's thesis contains the design of the pipeline system in a 3D program and the thermal expansion calculation of the system. Based on the thermal expansion calculation optimization is proposed. The work also includes a research in the area of pipeline supports. Aims... |
Vastl, Petr
Zpracování experimentálně zjištěných dat z reálné parní turbíny This thesis includes an overview of the steam turbine, last stage blade, and diffusor. It deals with the literature search on the subject of experimental validation of flow and a description of the measuring devices used during the experiment. Measured data are used to statica... |
Šafránek, Jaroslav
Budoucí trendy v EfW (Energy from Waste) The bachelor thesis offers a summary of the current situation in the field of energy recovery of municipal waste in the Czech Republic and in other world regions. It discusses the waste-to-energy facilities and their contribution to the production of electricity and he... |
Jouja, Lukáš
Návrh trubkového výměníku pro potravinářský průmysl The bachelor's thesis deals with design and manufacturing a double pipe heat exchanger for food industry. It focuses on heat exchangers used in home brewing, including the advantages and disadvantages of different designs. Part of the bachelor's thesis is the measurement... |
Pospíchal, Jan
Analýza vzduchového chlazení olejového okruhu šroubového kompresoru The bachelor's thesis analyzes the flow and heat transfer in the heat exchanger connected to the SMARTRONIC screw compressor housing from ATMOS Chrást s.r.o. using numerical simulation. The work aims to describe the flow in all parts of the exchanger and to determine the d... |
Čutka, Vojtěch
Větrné elektrárny s vertikální osou rotace This bachelor thesis describes the working principle of vertical axis wind turbines. Furthermore, it summarizes different designs and lists their pros and cons. Last part is focused on the design and economic analysis of the 100-kW turbine. |
Frank, Jiří
Optimalizace trubkového spalinového výměníku This bachelor thesis deals with the numerical simulation of the flow in a flue gas / water type heat exchanger used in a cogeneration unit. The aim of the simulation is to optimize cooling by adjusting the geometry of the baffles. The output is the evaluation of... |
Abrhám, Vladimír
Vyhodnocení statistik turbulentního proudění v proudovém paprsku The bachelor thesis contains observation of the air flow through the tubular-shaped nozzle with bumbs and influence of the bumbs on change of the flow structure. |
Štejr, Michal
Odstraňování úlepů v zásobnících uhlí The bachelor thesis contains an analysis of the properties of solid fuels from the perspective of storage and transport also a research of technological equipment for removing arches and bridges in bulk material storages and finally solutions for removing arches and bridges for coa... |
Souček, Stanislav
Návrh kogenerační jednotky s motorem Scania The bachelor thesis contains a description of main design parts of the cogeneration units and economical evaluation of example project. Among the main parts were selected a fuel mixer, exhaust exchanger and an engine water cooling system. The mixer was suggested for optimal mixing&... |
Kazda, Václav
Modernizace přípravků pro výrobu a montáž pohonů PRO-M pro reaktory VVER 440 The aim of the work is the modernization and optimization of selected jigs for the production of parts and assembly of PRO-M type drives designed for VVER 440 reactors. The output of the work is a 3D model of jigs and drawing documentation. |
Ozom, Bořek
Imitátory palivových proutků s vestavbami pro numerickéa experimentální modelování proudění a přestupu tepla The bachelor thesis describes basic physical principles in a nuclear reactor focusing on internal heat transfer and the boiling crisis. Furthermore, this paper includes description of fuel rod imitators in experimental facilities and compares those in the world with the experimental facility... |
Brčák, Jan
ORC systémy pro využívání tepla s nižším energetickým potenciálem The bachelor thesis contains a description of low potential heat sources and their utilization in the ORC field, description of ORC technology including structure, design, and choice of a suitable working fluid. The practical part deals with the analysis of experimental data of the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra energetických strojů a zařízení / Department of Power System Engineering