Číslo 1 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šipikal, Miroslav
Szitásiová, Valéria
Pisár, Peter
Uramová, Mária
Spatially blind or place based policy?: a comparison of innovation support in the Czech and Slovak republic With the ongoing changes in development of the European Union, also conditions for fi nancial support are changing. For Central Europe, most fi nancial aid comes from Cohesion policies. The same applies for the support of innovations, which are considered to be a drivin... |
Simionescu, Mihaela
Bilan, Yuriy
Smrčka, Luboš
Vincúrová, Zuzana
The effects of european economic integration and the impact of Brexit on the UK immigrants from the CEE countries Considering the debates regarding lower increase in the economic growth after Brexit, the main objective of this paper is to measure the positive impact of economic integration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries on the UK economy and the effect of Brexit on... |
Houdek, Petr
Koblovský, Petr
Behavioural economics of organization: employees and managers This short perspective article presents an overview of empirical evidence on the behavioural organizational economics on the basis of the extended standard model of worker’s behaviour. The advancements of behavioural economics theories, new detailed and structured data on actions of &... |
Botrić, Valerija
Božić, Ljiljana
Access to finance: innovative firms´ perceptions in post-transition EU members The post-transition EU member countries generally have to catch up with EU most developed economies in many aspects. Access to fi nance problems in these countries are potentially harmful to development of entrepreneurship, innovation performance and overall growth, leading to further... |
Castillo-Peces, Carlos del
Mercado-Idoeta, Carmelo
Prado-Román, Camilo
Determining factors of the benefits derived from the implementation of EN 9100 standards In Spain, as well as in the rest of the world, the aerospace sector is one of the most important. The EN 9100 Standards (AS 9100 in America and SIAC 9100 in Asia), are a quality management system for the aerospace industry derived from the ISO 9001 s... |
Musa, Hussam
Debnárová, Lenka
Musová, Zdenka
Krištofík, Peter
Gender equality and corporate governance in Slovakia Gender representation on company boards is controversial and currently a highly debated issue in corporate governance. It is also considered to be an important tool of corporate responsibility in economic areas. Of all the progressive actions that the EU and Member States ha... |
Ghorabaee, Mehdi Keshavarz
Amiri, Maghsoud
Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras
Turskis, Zenonas
Multi-criteria group decision-making using an extended EDAS method with interval type-2 fuzzy sets Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are very useful in the real-world decision-making problems. We are usually confronted with the decision-making process in an uncertain environment, and the fuzzy set theory is an effi cient tool to handle this uncertainty. Interval type-2 ... |
Firlej, Krzysztof
Żmija, Dariusz
The specificity of knowledge management in the food industry in Poland The article presents an analysis of the problems of knowledge management in the food industry in Poland, which was carried out on the basis of the results of the author’s own study. The study was conducted in the years 2007-2013. The research shows that businesses&... |
Rajnoha, Rastislav
Lesníková, Petra
Krajčík, Vladimír
Influence of business performance measurement system and corporate sustainability concept to overal business performance: “save the planet and keep your performance” Nowadays the dissatisfaction with only fi nancial indicators has led to a focus on non-traditional areas of performance measurement as Balanced Scorecard, environment indicators and others. Moreover many recent studies has focused on the corporate sustainability concept and performance ... |
Kukanja, Marko
Omerzel, Doris Gomezelj
Bukovec, Boris
A restaurant quality model based on marketing factors Previous studies have highlighted the importance of several quality factors in guests’ assessment of restaurant quality. As there is no general consensus on which marketing quality factors really matter in assessing the quality of the dining experience in the previous literature, ... |
Buiga, Anuţa
Stegerean, Roxana
Chiş, Alexandru
Lazăr, Dorina
Pricing of the tourism product: a tool for entrepreneurs to adapt to a flexible market The paper approaches the hedonic pricing analysis as a useful instrument for tourism entrepreneurs to get a competitive advantage through price setting policies. The main goal of this research is to conduct an analysis useful to measure the marginal effect of the attributes&... |
Tahal, Radek
Formánek, Tomáš
Mohelská, Hana
Loyalty programs and personal data sharing preferences in the Czech republic Effective loyalty program management and evaluation requires that retailers have access to relevant data. In most cases, loyalty program organizers aim to establish consumer databases for the purpose of identifi cation of individual customers: loyalty program members. The structure and... |
Sinčáková, Marianna
Šuliková, Veronika
Gavurová, Beáta
Twin deficits threat in the European union The aim of the contribution was to identify presence and contagion threat of twin defi cits, i.e. simultaneous budget and current account defi cit in the EU countries. Using correlations and Granger causality testing we recorded existence of twin defi cits in most of... |
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