Title: Kulturní vývoj asijského a afrického kontinentu
Authors: Pecha, Lukáš
Citation: PECHA, Lukáš ed. Kulturní vývoj asijského a afrického kontinentu. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2018. 264 s. ISBN 978-80-261-0744-6.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: monografie
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/29428
ISBN: 978-80-261-0744-6
Keywords: Asie;Afrika;náboženství;kultura;zemědělství;osídlení
Keywords in different language: Asia;Africa;religion;culture;agriculture;settlement
Abstract in different language: The monograph Kulturní vývoj asijského a afrického kontinentu [The Cultural Development of Asia and Africa] presents the results of 15 scientific projects which touch various aspects of the cultural development of Asia and Africa during a long period reaching from the Antiquity until the modern times. The papers published in this book are focused on exploring the different aspects of the development of cultural traditions in a vast area that includes several territories on the Asian continent as well as in the adjacent regions of Northeastern Africa. The results of the research published in this volume concern primarily the ancient Near East, but we also find there contributions pertaining to the development of the concepts of the modern Islam and its relations with the contemporary Western culture. To a lesser extent, issues related to other regions (Egypt, Central Asia, Southeastern Asia, Tibet, Oceania) are also represented. The aim of this volume is to demonstrate a wide range and diversity of religious feelings that are an integral part of the cultural development of both ancient and contemporary civilizations in Asia and Africa. The main attention is thus paid to religious traditions that were substantial part of the cultures emerging in Asia and Africa during the long historical period. However, also questions concerning the material basis of spiritual values were object of some research projects. Thus, the volume is divided into two parts. The first one, designated as „The Material Basis“, contains several contributions which aim
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
© Sergio Alivernini - Pavel Král - Jakub Maršálek - Martina Bucková - Marie Ondříčková - Kateřina Šašková - David Rafael Moulis - Pavel Čech - Alexandra Pastoreková - Tomáš Retka - Štěpán Kuchlei - Lucie Vinšová - Admira Delić - Martin Klapetek - Lukáš Větrovec
Appears in Collections:Monografie a kolektivní monografie / Monographs and collective monographs (KBS)

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