Monografie a kolektivní monografie / Monographs and collective monographs (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Od stability ke změně: Kulturní vývoj na území Asie a Afriky |
Sobotková, Veronika
Pěchota, Jan
Židé v islámu: Koncept ahl adh–dhimma a případová studie židovské menšiny v Maroku |
Civilizace Asie a Afriky od starověku po součanost |
Pecha, Lukáš
Kulturní vývoj asijského a afrického kontinentu The monograph Kulturní vývoj asijského a afrického kontinentu [The Cultural Development of Asia and Africa] presents the results of 15 scientific projects which touch various aspects of the cultural development of Asia and Africa during a long period reaching from the Antiquity until&#x... |
Pecha, Lukáš
Vybrané aspekty kulturního vývoje Asie a Afriky Asia and Africa represent a vast territory which in course of their long historical development displays an astonishing range of local cultures and traditions. The individual cultures were often linked together and their interaction could have many forms. The civilizations that flourished&#x... |
Pecha, Lukáš
Historie a kultura asijských zemí The main goal of this volume is to describe the history and culture of civilizations which developed on an extensive territory, including the Near East as well as some territories in Central and South Asia. Experts from various scientific institutions in the Czech Republic as&... |
Tarant, Zbyněk
Tydlitátová, Věra
History of hatred, hatred of history: encounters between antisemitism and historical memory This book aims to contribute into the contemporary “struggle for memory” by documenting the various encounters between antisemitism, history and collective memory. Its primary purpose is to explore various strategies by means of which the anti-Semites relate to historical events and concepts... |
Tarant, Zbyněk
Tydlitátová, Věra
"Spiknutí!": úloha antisemitských konspiračních teorií ve veřejném a politickém diskurzu This book attempts to open the debate on the controversial topic of conspiracy theories and their uses and abuses in public and political discourse. The book is divided into several chronologically ordered chapters, each written by a different author. The Brst chapter ... |