Články / Articles (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Danzer, Jiří
LOW - frequency currents in intermediate DC circuit of voltage inverter |
Krasl, Milan
Influence of temperature on operation characteristics of electrical machine with permanent magnets |
Krasl, Milan
Indirect frequency converter for the supply of the rotor of the asynchronous motor |
Pitterman, Martin
Fořt, Jiří
Finite element method analysis of electromagnetic field inside pulsed power generator |
Skala, Bohumil
Acceleration sensor based on the ferraris principle for rotary drives |
Mach, František
Kůs, Pavel
Karban, Pavel
Doležel, Ivo
Mathematical modelling of direct current corona discharge problems in air |
Mach, František
Karban, Pavel
Kůs, Pavel
Korous, Lukáš
Calculation of Force Acting on the Armature of Electromagnetic Actuator |
Slouka, David
Kůs, Václav
Problematika homogenní aplikace laserového záření na rozsáhlé plochy lidské tkáně Laser devices today are built using many different technical designs determined by their target application where a very special use have lasers in medicine. The effects of medical lasers are determined by their basic physical properties (wavelength, collimation, coherence, monochromaticity) and&... |
Kůs, Václav
Necharakteristické harmonické a meziharmonické polovodičových měničů |
Krasl, Milan
Vlk, Rostislav
HTS Transformer – Optimization of Winding Losses This paper deals with a calculation of losses in winding of the superconducting transformer 1MVA. The idea of this usage was originated in the SKODA Research Ltd., Pilsen. 5kVA model of this transformer was made with co-operation AS CR, UWB Pilsen, MFF Prague, Skoda Research... |
Hruška, Karel
Určení parametrů náhradního schématu asynchronního stroje v programu FEMM This work deals with problems of determination of parameters of induction machine's substitution diagram using finite element method software FEMM. There are determined parameters of subtitution diagram corresponding both with stator and rotor (leakage inductances and resistivities) and magnetizing... |
Blahník, Vojtěch
Palivový článek jako zdroj pro elektrický pohon - simulace The paper deal with using of the fuel cell as a alternative electric source in light traction branch. The fuel cell is simulated by equivalent electric diagram and this diagram is used for simulation of the light traction drive. The next part is concern to control of... |
Blahník, Vojtěch
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Molnár, Jan
Michalík, Jan
AC / DC converter for traction applications This contribution deals with new configuration of the traction converter with medium-frequency transformer intended for ac trolley wire fed locomotives. The main objective of this paper is the control of primary voltage source active rectifiers connected in series and operated on the pr... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektromechaniky a výkonové elektroniky / Department of Electromechanical Engineering and Power Electronics