Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečení / Department of Labour Law and Law of Social Security
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Morávek, Jakub
Nabídková povinnost při odvolání a při vzdání se vedoucího pracovního místa The paper is focused on the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court on the tender obligation in the event of dismissal and resignation of the executive position. The author critically evaluates the jurisprudence. It presupposes argumentatively supported conclusions and interpretation of le... |
Špatenková, Renata
Důsledky nelegální práce v oblasti ochrany zdraví cizinců The article deals with the performance of illegal work by foreigners and focuses on preventive and follow-up protection of health at work. During the performance of illegal work, the elements of protection can be fundamentally affected, which brings a number of negative cons... |
Hošková, Žaneta
Vybrané instituty očekávané novely zákoníku práce aneb jak se daří naplnit účel unijní „transparentní“ směrnice? In 2019, the European Union issued a directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union. Although it should have been transposed into the Czech legal order already in August 2022, it has not yet happened. An amendment to the A... |
Jandová, Hana
Zkoumání úvěruschopnosti spotřebitele a její vliv na civilní řízení The article deals with the process of concluding a credit agreement with a consumer, specifically the examination of his creditworthiness. It provides an answer to the question of what specific income and what specific expenses the credit provider must examine and how to evaluate... |
Prunner, Petr
Problémy práce na dálku (home office), které návrh nové právní úpravy (ne)řeší The article is focused on the planned amendment to the Labor Code in the area of remote work (so-called home office) and critically evaluates the positives and negatives of the upcoming legal regulation. The article not only draws attention to the consequences that could arise... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law