Katedra správního práva / Department of Administrative Law
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Kopecký, Martin
K ústavněprávním základům vydávání obecně závazných vyhlášek The paper deals with constitutional regulation issuance of regulations by territorial self-governing units, especially municipalities. The author analyses text of Constitution and describes main historical changes of interpretation resulting both from the Constitutional Court case-law and the doctrine. Iss... |
Kopecký, Martin
K možnostem zrušení pravomocného rozhodnutí o přestupku jako podmínky pro vedení dalšího trestního stíhání The issue of the application of the ne bis in idem rule between administrative proceedings on a minor offence (“přestupek”) and criminal court proceedings creates several questions related to what further prosecution is excluded by the fact that a certain illegal act has already... |
Šimka, Karel
Veřejné opatrovnictví jako úkol veřejné moci vykonávaný ve veřejném zájmu soukromoprávní metodou právní regulace aneb mnoho povyku pro (skoro) nic On 6 May 2021, the Supreme Administrative Court´s competence chamber issued resolution Ref. No. Komp 3/2018-87; howewer, the legal conclusions presented in this resolution soon took on a life of their own. What is inferred from these conclusions follows neither from the legislatioi... |
Malast, Jan
Prvky atypičnosti v organizaci veřejné správy The paper deals with atypical elements in the organization of public administration in the Czech Republic. It seeks to define the essence and possible causes of organizational “atypicality” (deviations, exceptions, asymmetries) and assess its impact, not only on the functionality of public... |
Malast, Jan
Společné řízení o přestupcích – vždy ve prospěch pachatele? The paper deals with the issue of common proceedings on multiple administrative transgressions and the question of the applicability of this special type of proceedings in connection with the principle of absorption if their consequences would lead to a deterioration of the accused’s... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law