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Rohan, Eduard
Turjanicová, Jana
Lukeš, Vladimír
The Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable double porous media In this paper we present the two-level homogenization of the flow in a deformable double-porous structure described at two characteristic scales. The higher level porosity associated with the mesoscopic structure is constituted by channels in a matrix made of a microporous material cons... |
Azam, Sikander A.
Irfan, Muhammad
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Ali,, Zaheer
Kityk, Iwan V.
Muhammad, Shabbir
Al-Sehemi, Abdullah Ghodran M.
Doping induced effect on optical and band structure properties of Sr2Si5N8 based phosphors: DFT approach Nitrido silicates are emerged as highly efficient luminescent materials (phosphors) that found considerable industrial application as white light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been studied with respect to band structure and related electronic structure parameters. They have tunable optical properties, as&... |
Veis, Martin
Minár, Jan
Steciuk, Gwladys
Palatinus, Lukáš
Rinaldi, Christian
Cantoni, Matteo
Kriegner, Dominik
Tikuišis, Kristupas Kazimieras
Hamrle, Jaroslav
Zahradník, Martin
Antoš, Roman
Železný, Jakub
Šmejkal, Libor
Martí, Xavier
Wadley, Peter
Campion, Richard P.
Frontera, Carlos
Uhlířová, Klára
Duchoň, Tomáš
Kužel, Petr
Novák, Vít
Jungwirth, Tomáš
Výborný, Karel
Elektrónová a pásová štruktúra CuMnAs študovaná optickou a fotoemissinou spektroskopiou The tetragonal phase of CuMnAs progressively appears as one of the key materials for antiferromagnetic spintronics due to efficient current-induced spin-torques whose existence can be directly inferred from crystal symmetry. Theoretical understanding of spintronic phenomena in this material, however, ... |
Mayorga-Martínez, Carmen C.
Sofer, Zdeněk B.
Luxa, Jan
Huber, Štěpán P.
Sedmidubský, David
Brázda, Petr
Palatinus, Lukáš
Mikulics, Martin
Lazar, Petr
Medlín, Rostislav
Pumera, Martin
TAS3 Nanovlákna: vrstvený trichalcogenid pro vysoce-výkonnou elektroniku a senzory Layered materials, like transition metal dichalcogenides, exhibit broad spectra with outstanding properties with huge application potential, whereas another group of related materials, layered transition metal trichalcogenides, remains unexplored. Here, we show the broad application potential of this interestin... |
Špička, Jan
Vychytil, Jan
Hynčík, Luděk
Citlivostní analýza nehody chodce z vozidlem - Vliv počátečních podmínek This work is focused on the modelling of car to pedestrian crash scenario. Virtual hybrid human body model VIRTHUMAN as well as a simplified model of car chassis is modelled under Virtual Performance Solution software. The main idea of the work is the investigation and se... |
Cimrman, Robert
Novák, Matyáš
Kolman, Radek
Tůma, Miroslav
Plešek, Jiří
Vackář, Jiří
Studie konvergence izogeometrické analýzy založené na Bézierově extrakci ve výpočtech elektronových struktur Behavior of various, even hypothetical, materials can be predicted via ab-initio electronic structure calculations providing all the necessary information: the total energy of the sys- tem and its derivatives. In case of non-periodic structures, the existing well-established methods for electronic... |
Al-Jaary, Ali H. Reshak
Boritan lithný Li3B5O8 (OH) 2 s velkou druhou generací harmonických a vysokou prahovou hodnotou poškození v hlubokém ultrafialovém spektrálním rozsahu The electronic structure and linear and nonlinear optical susceptibility dispersions of lithium borate Li3B5O8(OH)2 are comprehensively investigated |
Azam, Sikander
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Goumri-Said, Souraya
Zkoumáním optoelektronických vlastností nitrido-magneso-silikátů: Ca [Mg3SiN4], Sr [Mg3SiN4] a Eu [Mg3SiN4] Optoelectronic properties of the Nitrido-magneso-silicates Ca[Mg3SiN4], Sr[Mg3SiN4], and Eu[Mg3SiN4] compounds have been investigated using the relativistic full-potential augmented plane-wave method (FLAPW) based on the density functional theory (DFT). The calculations of the electronic and optical properties were&... |
Fiala, Jaroslav
Mareš, Jiří j.
Šesták, Jaroslav
Reflexe jak vyhodnocovat profesní hodnotu vědeckých publikací a jejich citačních ohlasů It is inevitable that the´publish or perish´ paradigm has implications for the quality of research published because this leads to scientific output being evaluated based on quantity and not preferably on quality. The pressure to continually publish results in the creation of predatory&... |
Moskal, Denys
Martan, Jiří
Lang, Vladislav
Švantner, Michal
Stamp metoda pro zpracování dat s vysokým podílem šumu z infračerveného senzoru v drsném prostředí This article presents a new digital method, called Stamp method, for elimination of undesired noisedata from a periodic IR signal. The Stamp method is a useful tool for statistical analysis of changes which appear in a noised input signal. One stamp is a statistical image ... |
Honnerová, Petra
Martan, Jiří
Honner, Milan
Stanovení nejistoty ve vysokoteplotní metodě měření spektrální emisivity povlaků The paper deals with uncertainty analyses of the new laboratory method for the measurement of spectral emissivity of high-temperature coatings. These coatings are intended to increase heat transfer in various industrial applications. The experimental set-up of the method is shortly introduced.&#x... |
Šesták, Jaroslav
Základní pohled na hypervolnou energii, rovnovážné okolí a inerciální teplo otevírající nové možnosti termické analýzy Instead a classical obituary the rich scientific results of Pavel Holba are survived emphasizing his contribution to the underpinning and determination of hyperfree energy and associated definition of novel terms of phtochability and plutability as well as the characterization of equilibrium ... |
Vágner, Petr
Pavelka, Michal
Maršík, František
Slabiny analýzy exergie The well-known Gouy–Stodola theorem states that a device produces maximum useful power when working reversibly, that is with no entropy production inside the device. This statement then leads to a method of thermodynamic optimization based on entropy production minimization. Exergy destruction&#x... |
Militký, Jiří
Šesták, Jaroslav
Diskuse k pokusům o vyvrácení Šestákovy - Berggrenovy rovnice Some recent commentaries doubt the originality of Šesták–Berggren equation even though it received until today almost eight hundred citation responses. The worth of SB equation is examined in terms of general logistic equation showing its divergent philosophical strategy from dissimilar orthodox&... |
Veselý, Zdeněk
Honner, Milan
Mach, Jiří
3D model laserového ošetření pohybujícím se zdrojem tepla s obecnou distribuci energie v nosníku A three-dimensional model of direct heat treatment of a sample surface with a moving laser has been established utilizing the finite element method. Attention is devoted to the preparation of complex boundary conditions of a moving heat source. Boundary conditions of material heat ... |
Kochová, Petra
Tonar, Zbyněk
Witter, Kirsti
Mezerová, Jana
Microcracks and mechanical behaviour of corio-epidermal junction of equine hoof |
Kochová, Petra
Cimrman, Robert
Janáček, Jiří
Witter, Kirsti
Tonar, Zbyněk
How to asses, visualize and compare the anisotropy of linear structures reconstructed from optical sections?: a study based on histopathological quantification of human brain microvessels |