Číslo 1 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Polsterová, Helena
Teplotní změny elektrických vlastností nanokompozitu na bázi epoxidové pryskyřice Nanocomposits are subject of research in many fields of sciences. Electrical technology focused on the study of electrical properties of nanocomposites including breakdown strength, relative permittivity, resistivity and other. This paper describes the results of measurement of electrical parameters o... |
Trnka, Pavel
Širůček, Martin
Paslavský, Bohumil
Vliv tvaru nehomogenity v izolačním systému olej-papír na velikost částečných výbojů Partial discharges measurement is an important method for diagnostics of high voltage machines. The insulating system of power transformers is created by the solid and the liquid part. In these parts is the method used for detection of non-homogenous areas, failures and defects. Th... |
Podzemský, Jiří
Urbánek, Jan
Dušek, Karel
Obrazová analýza povrchu bezolovnaté povrchové úpravy zaměřená na indikaci cínových whiskerů The article deals with observation of creation and growth of tin whiskers from surface finish made of lead-free solders Sn-3,8Ag-0,7Cu, Sn-4Ag, Sn-1Cu and lead solder Sn-37Pb. Copper coupons with dimensions 4x2 cm were immersed into the melted solders at temperature 250 °C for 4... |
Diagnostika výbojové činnosti v širším frekvenčním spektru This paper presents the possibility of measuring partial of discharges in wide frequency range. Recent fully digital measuring systems allows such as measurement of partial discharge (PD). This test brings new information and helps to complete the view of partial discharge activity in... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2011
- 4 2011