Číslo 1 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pácha, Matěj
Dimenzování superkapacitorů pro rekuperaci brzdné energie na základě simulace The article deals with sizing of supercapacitors for recuperation of breaking energy of tramway line in Bratislava (Slovakia). Based on theory of traction mechanics, a simulation model is introduced. With reference to the tramway line plan and elevation profile, the most valuable line... |
Laškody, Tomáš
Kaščák, Slavomír
Praženica, Michal
Space vector PWM for two-phase inverter with three legs in Matlab-Simulink This paper deals with design of SVPWM for two-phase inverter in Matlab/Simulink. Nowadays is effort to reduce switching losses and increase efficiency of electrical devices. One of the many possibilities how to deal with this problem is to use inverter control technique called ... |
Kaščák, Slavomír
Analysis of HF half-bridge matrix converter The paper deals with DC/HF_AC/2AC converter system which can generate two-phase orthogonal output with both variable voltage and frequency. The proposed system with HF AC interlink in comparison with currently used conventional systems uses two single phase half-bridge matrix converters ... |
Hodulíková, Anna
Verifikácia výstupných parametrov elastomagnetického snímača tlakovej sily In its first part, the article describes the utilization of elastomagnetic phenomena in elastomagnetic sensors of pressure force (EMS). The second part of the article is focused on output signal (voltage) and output effective signal (voltage) verification of EMS, in order to determine... |
Krpal, Ondřej
Kučerová, Eva
Měření voltampérových charakteristik pásek a laků používaných jako ochrana před klouzavými výboji u výstupu vinutí čel synchronních generátorů The paper deals with measurement of coatings used in end-winding of synchronous generators as a protection against sliding discharges. These discharges are due to nonlinear distribution of the electric field along the stator coil. If this protection was not applied, at the machines ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2014
- 5 2014