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Hirt, Tomáš
Eriksen, Thomas H.: 2007. Antropologie multikulturních společností: rozumět identitě. Triton : Praha/Kroměříž |
Budilová, Lenka
Studium příbuzenství a sociální antropologie The article is about the study of kinship and the social anthropology. Till the 60`s of 20th century was study of kinship the main part of social anthropology, at the beginning of 90`s came a revival of this studies. The article contains about the main theorie... |
Toušek, Ladislav
Zaměřované interview a focus groups. Mertonův příspěvek k metodologii sociálních věd The article attempts to examine broadly the origin and the application of the focused interview method which was developed by Robert K. Merton in the 1940´s during his cooperation with Paul Lazarsfeld in the field of communication research. Although this method is freq... |
Henig, David
Transnacionalismus This article contains about the transnationalism, its short history and mainly the current situation. There is also a description of transnational anthropology and the results of the anthropological research are mentioned. |
Hirt, Tomáš
Přehled nejasností spjatých s konceptem etnicity v perspektivě post-barthovských přístupů The article contains of the list of the unclearness connected with the concept of ethnicity in perspective of post-Barth`s approaches. |
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