Číslo 3 (2006) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Léblová, Marta
Většina z nás "v něco" přece jen věří. Rozhovor se Zdeňkem Vojtíškem |
Demjančuková, Dagmar
Hans Küng: Po stopách světových náboženství |
Léblová, Marta
20. století starokatolické církve ve Varnsdorfu |
Štampach, Ivan
Specifikum metodologie humanitních věd na příkladu religionistiky This essay contains about the science of religion and describes its specific place between other sciences, especially between humanities. |
Vojtíšek, Zdeněk
Proces denominalizace. Příklad mormonů In this article the process of denominalization (reduction of tension between the main society and the new religious society) is described. As an illustrative example the Mormon Church and its development were used. |
Léblová, Marta
První vatikánský koncil In years 1869-1870 the First Vatican Council took place. In that article is shortly described the situation in the Catholic Church before that council. Furthermore the course and results of this council and the birth of Old Catholic Church are described. |
Kuldová, Tereza
Hindové v Diaspoře: konceptuální proměny v pojetí hinduismu This essay contains about Hindus living in diasporas. Their identities as well as common understanding of the religion is not comprehended as a stable (constant) but rather as fluid and socially manipulable. “ |
Mildnerová, Kateřina
Tradiční africké náboženství vodun v Beninu. Kult rodinných a královských předků This essay introduces main concepts of African religion called Vodun. The history of the religious movement is described. Attention is given also to present practices. |
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