Číslo 1 (2008) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Machová, Barbora
O bulharské etnologii po roce 1989 |
Svoboda, Michal
Necov, Neco Petkov: Dějiny Vojvodova |
Dvořáková, Ilona
Princezna Pocahontas a Tarzan, pán opic. Filmová konstrukce identity jedince na rozhraní dvou světů |
Vašát, Petr
Tělo, gender, jazyk aneb být či nebýt gentleman? |
Paleček, Martin
Identita - podivný pojem The aim of this paper is to discuss the concept – or, more properly, the concepts – of cultural identity within the contemporary academic discourse. Trying to clarify what we mean by cultural identity seems both necessary and impossible at a moment like the &... |
Horálek, Adam
Perspektivismus Friedricha Nietzscheho (na příkladu Radostné vědy) This essay is concerned with one of possible interpretations of writtings of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Attention is given to conception of perspectivism. |
Morvayová, Petra
Děti trvale žijící v prostředí sociálně vyloučené lokality. Determinanty vzdělávání v sociokulturním kontextu The article contains about children constantly living in the localities of social exclusion and about determinants of education in the social-cultural context. |
Kalilou, Seydou Moussa
Being a researcher in his own country, practical examples from the fieldwork |
Guillermet, Elis
Reflexivity a tool for the antropologist. An example: the fieldwork of a French PhD student |
Růžička, Michal
Kriminalita z antropologického perspektivy : možnosti a limity sociologické inspirace The article can be understood as an introduction to the problematic of studying deviance and criminal behaviour in sociocultural anthropology. The article also discusses the possibilities of adopting some theoretical and methodological resources from the sociology of deviance into&#... |
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