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Rašková, Miluše
Užití metod sexuální výchovy z pohledu historie a současnosti českého školství Methods and their linkage with the sex education are defi ned. It presents application of didactic methods in the sex education during the 20th century in the Czech school system. |
Podroužek, Ladislav
Komparativní analýza vývoje učiva o horninách, nerostech a půdě v naší primární škole The complexity of the defi nition development and curriculum arrangement of the science about rocks, minerals and soil in the primary school level. The article also analyses particular curricular documents since beginning of 20th century till present time. |
Mergl, Michal
Biologická exkurze pro základní a střední školy: invazní druhy měkkýšů v ČR Five invasive molluscan species known from the territory of the Czech Republic are reviewed for educational purposes. These species (Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Physella acuta, Arion lusitanicus, Corbicula fl uminea, Sinanodonta woodiana) are described, illustrated and commented with an attention to the... |
Beránek, Jaroslav
Inzerce |
Huclová, Miroslava
Vrbík, Václav
Bezpečně s internetem na základní škole Article documenting the teaching of safe work with the Internet and mobile phone in elementary school. It is divided into three parts. The fi rst part deals with the inclusion of the topic into the RVP ZV and ŠVP specifi c elementary school. The second part deals... |
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- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Arnica