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Mentlík, Pavel
Srovnání dynamiky vědeckých výstupů mezi geografickými obory v ČR (2012 až 2014) pro potřeby cílené didaktické transformace Analysis of Czech scientific geographical articles (registered in Information Register of R&D results) published abroad in prestigious scholar journals was performed. Articles published between 2012 and 2014 and indexed by Web of Science (in Physical Geography) and/or by other two... |
Cihelková, Monika
Stacke, Václav
Možnosti terénní výuky geografie v těsném příhraničí (pří - padová studie v povodí Kateřinského potoka v Českém lese) This paper presents the possibility for high school fieldwork in the catchment of Kateřinský potok Stream in the Bohemian Forest. The whole day fieldwork was held in Sudetes in the Czech Republic–Germany border zone area. This area went through significant social and landsca... |
Nolčová, Lucie
Vágnerová, Petra
Zajímavá a motivující výuka řas a sinic na základních a středních školách Teaching of algae and cyanobacteria topic in primary and secondary schools is often sporadic and does not leave enough of knowledge or experience in students. Usual problems are unexciting presentation of this topic, lack of motivation, lack of exercises and little emphasis ... |
Kout, Jiří
Sádlíková, Martina
Neobvyklé houby ve výuce na různých stupních vzdělávání v rámci laboratorních prací The article presents a proposal of laboratory work in biology for which we selected a group of stromatic fungi (Pyrenomycetes) from Ascomycota. The origin for the selection of this unusual group of fungi was, that the less known groups of fungi may be more attracti... |
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- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Arnica
- 4 2015