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Čížek, Petr
Návrh softwarového nástroje pro aplikaci SAFMEA metody využité k řízení rizika This contribution is focused on the proposal of design for software solution for calculation Statistical Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (SAFMEA). Failure Modes and Effect Analysis is widely used risk management tool, however it has significant drawback as all experts has to be i... |
Kutlák, Jiří
Vícegenerační řízení na pracovišti: vliv na personální procesy Human resources processes belong to the core business of each enterprise. In conjunction with the diversity of generations that are currently on the Czech labour market (Baby Boomers, X, Y and Z), it is necessary to adapt the personnel activities and the management of many... |
Majdúchová, Helena
Gajdová, Denisa
Jančovičová, Monika
Duševné vlastníctvo ako generátor inovácií Small and medium enterprises play an important role in economy of Slovak Republic and European Union. Importance of innovation for small and medium enterprises increase with the dynamism of economic environment. Innovation is joined with concepts as improvement, increase of profit, inc... |
Nováková, Monika
EFQM excelence model jako nástroj zvyšování výkonnosti společnosti This article discusses the company performance evaluation process using the EFQM Excellence Model. A literature review focused on this model demonstrates that the implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model has brought companies number of positive effects and has provided guidance for improv... |
Maříková, Monika
Rolínek, Ladislav
Vrchota, Jaroslav
Řehoř, Petr
Selected aspects of strategic management in small enterprises in services Currently due to constant changes, it is imperative for the enterprises to place great emphasis on how they are managed. Changes that come from the neighbourhood are common and the enterprises need to be able to react quickly and flexibly to them. Introduced strategic manageme... |
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