Číslo 2 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Akpoviroro, Kowo Solomon
Kadiri, Bola
Owotutu, Sabitu Olalekan
Effect of participative leadership style on employee’s productivity This study was conducted based on the effect of participative leadership style on employee’s productivity using Midland Galvanizing Product Limited (MIDGAL) Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria. The study actually tried to find the extent to which participative leadership style helps to improve empl... |
Bíba, Ondřej
Towards measurability and identification of key benchmarks of Industry 4.0 This study presents an analysis, comparison and evaluation of the Industry 4.0 Concept, with the focus on the measurement of its overall benefit. Based on a wide range of theoretical perspectives, outcomes of expert studies and analyzes of top consultancy firms, we infer that ... |
Hořčičková, Zuzana
Willingness of young people to work in the family business: pilot survey This article discusses issues related to family businesses in which young people work (and subsequently are likely to become the owners) as they have ties both to the business and to the municipality in which the business operates, see sections 1 and 2. An important quest... |
Kukal, Jaromír
Tran, Van Quang
Využití alfa–stabilního rozdělení k modelování migrace Migration is very wide term describing any case of object movement in given space. Migration phenomena can be modelled from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. Many researches have been analysing the causes of this timely event to give the answer to questions... |
Andrlík, Břetislav
Bobčíková, Petra
Role zaměstnaneckých benefitů v České republice The article deals with the issue of employee benefits under the conditions of the Czech Republic in 2018. The importance of employee benefits has increased in recent years. Current economic developments exacerbate pressure on employers to provide their employees with the benefits of... |
Gruntová Kolingerová, Hana
Veřejná finanční podpora jako motivace pro zapojení průmyslových podniků do VaVai This article focuses on the identification of attitudes of industrial enterprises to access to public financial resources and attitudes to selected factors which have an impact on involvement of industrial enterprises in RDI. Attention is focused on the extent of support from public... |
Martinčík, David
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