Oddělení anglického jazyka / English Department
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Poslední příspěvky
Wroblewski, Bartlomiej
Petrenko, Olesya
Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of expectations and needs of engineering students and graduates: a case study at the University of West Bohemia A good command of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) among Czech engineers seems to be of crucial importance since the engineering field has been developing rapidly and the Czech labour market is becoming increasingly international (Eurostat 2022). The authors of the article, who ... |
Pardo Ramos, Claudia
Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel
Caldeiro Pedreira, Mari Carmen
Havránková, Tereza
The Perception of Cyberbullying by Adolescents in Rural and Urban Spain Cases of bullying have become more serious from the use of information and communication technologies, especially with an immersion in social networks—creating the situation of cyberbullying. The objectives of our study are to analyze the relationship between cyber-victims and cyber-aggressors wi... |
Caldeiro Pedreira, Mari Carmen
Castro Zubizarreta, Ana
Havránková, Tereza
Móviles y pantallas en edades tempranas:convivencia digital, derechos de la infancia yresponsabilidad adulta In the hypermedia society the indiscriminate use of multiple screens is observed froman increasingly early age. For this reason, digital coexistence, respect for children’s rights, and asense of responsibility from the media and from families who educate children are required. Thisstudy revi... |
Holubová, Radmila
Ramadanová, Jitka
Vybrané aspekty studia v kurzech anglického jazyka na U3V ZČU v Plzni This paper deals with the study of senior citizens at the University of the Third Age (U3V) as part of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. While the issue of lifelong learning in the Czech Republic has become increasingly important in the last decades, among ot... |
Šimková, Květoslava
Ramadanová, Jitka
Lessons learned from remote education This article focuses on some aspects of remote education that can be implemented in face-to-face classes in order to improve and enhance the teaching/learning process. The authors present the results of the questionnaire survey conducted among the teachers of the Institute of Appli... |
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- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Ústav jazykové přípravy / Institute of applied language studies