Ročník 2012
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Poslední příspěvky
Vondrák, Jiří
Sedlaříková, Marie
Elektrody pro superkondenzátory Supercapacitors are designed and used for temporary storage of electric energy. On contrary to batteries, the process of chargé accumulations occurs at the boundary between solid electrode and electrolyte. Hence, the physical surface of the electrode must he fairly high. The aim of ... |
Jindra, Petr
Aspekty provozu bioplynových kogeneračních jednotek v energetických sítích |
Kaplan, Aleš
Analýza energetické bilance v teplárně a návrh na inovaci This article is focused on energy balance of cogeneration power plant in Pilsen in the Czech Republic. Basic parameters of this power station are described and diagrams of average power balance in 2010 are presented. This analysis is focused on consumption of primary fuels, se... |
Ďurman, Vladimír
Factors affecting the results of electrical insulation diagnostic tests In this paper the influence of some transient phenomena on the results of dielectric measurements is discussed. The investigation is concerned with the region of very low frequencies or the region of very long times. Based on the solution of Maxwell equations three phenomena w... |
Motyčka, Martin
ANOVA – Základní metoda vyhodnocování experimentů Industrial experiments are a fundamental tool to ensure quality production. It has an essential role especially in the initial development of the product and the subsequent quality improvement. For statistical evaluation is necessary to use a systematic design of the experiment. Basic s... |
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- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Electroscope
- 49 2012