Číslo 1 - NZEE 2011 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vondrák, Jiří
Sedlaříková, Marie
Elektrody pro superkondenzátory Supercapacitors are designed and used for temporary storage of electric energy. On contrary to batteries, the process of chargé accumulations occurs at the boundary between solid electrode and electrolyte. Hence, the physical surface of the electrode must he fairly high. The aim of ... |
Morte, Michal
Využití palivových článků v terciárním sektoru A possibility of massive utilization of fuel cells in tertiary sector is the main topic of the article. It starts with description of the shift in a definition of the extent of renewables (RES), then continues with a description of large „stand-alone“ RES system with accu... |
Šimonová, Lucie
Podmínky pro solární systémy na ostrovech v oblasti středomoří Based on the continuous development of all countries are increasing demands on human comfort, simplification of work and thus the energy. Likewise, increasing the demands on the use of all available methods to easily obtain this energy, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. But ener... |
Abraham, Pavel
Tošer, Pavel
Tonar, Karel
Báča, Pavel
Výukové pracoviště pro zjišťování charakteristik elektrolyzéru a palivového článku This article deals with new apparatus created for teaching purposes. The apparatus should familiarize students with functioning of electrolyzer and fuel cell in a practical way and make them to be interested generally in renewable sources of power. This paper also presents first re... |
Neoral, Jiří
Báča, Pavel
Vliv zvýšené teploty okolí na vývin tepla uvnitř olověného akumulátoru |
Čudek, Pavel
Flodrová, Eva
Pléha, David
Diagnostika projevu stárnutí zinkových elektrod elektrochemických zdrojů elektrické energie |
Benešová, Hana
Škorpil, Jan
Tandemové fotovoltaické články – jeden ze směrů výzkumu a vývoje v oblasti fotovoltaiky III. generace The latest forecasts of the electricity indicate that the photovoltaic (PV) systems produce about 30 000 TWh of electricity in 2050. This huge amount cannot be made from materials whose reserves on the Earth don’t exceed 10–4 až 10–6 weight percent. This condition is very ... |
Pléha, David
Dvořák, Petr
Kunovjánek, Miroslav
Musil, Michal
Čech, Ondřej
Separátory pro alkalické akumulátory Despite the effort of research centres concerning development and production of batteries all over the world, no ideal separator for all types of alkaline batteries is designed. Thanks wide range of offered materials suitable for battery separators, it can be selected the most conv... |
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