45. mezinárodní vědecká konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 25 of 25
Hloska, Jiří , Štoček, Jiří
Podpora počítačové simulace při projektování logistického skladu

In case of an extensive investment plan such as construction of a new logistic warehouse, its design has to guarantee desired functionality and trouble-free workflow of all internal processes under the entire range of conceivable conditions. To ensure this, computer simulation in early&...

Heller, Petr , Schön, Jiří , Beno, Jan , Ráž, Karel
Trakční podvozek pro úzkorozchodnou tramvaj

The article describes the research and development of a traction, rotating bogie for a low-floor tram. It draws attention to problems that had to be resolved during development.

Helexa, Milan , Matej, Jaroslav
Štiepacie zariadenia s hydraulickým pohonom

Hydraulic log splitters have recently been an invaluable help in preparing and producing fuel wood, especially in households and small traders’ shops. They allow us to reduce the hard work done to cleave the wood and to increase productivity while eliminating the potential risk...

Břoušek, Josef , Petr, Tomáš
Simulation study of dual motor drive system efficiency

This paper presents a simulation analysis of the overall efficiency of Dual Motor Drive System (DMDS). The simulation was performed in software Ricardo Ignite. The main objective of the analysis was to verify the idea of using two different electric motors connected to the inp...

Berák, Michal , Helexa, Milan
Metodika merania valivých odporov penumatík v pôdnom skúšobnom kanále

The article tackles the problems of mobile working machines tyres rolling resistance. According to the cause of its origin, it is classified into external and internal rolling resistance. Further, the causes of origin of the tyre resistance internal component are dealt with in the&...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 25 of 25