Applied Electronics 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kenyeres, Martin
Kenyeres, Jozef
Distributed Network Size Estimation Executed by Average Consensus Bounded by Stopping Criterion for Wireless Sensor Networks The exact information about the network size is crucial for the proper functioning of many distributed algorithms. In this paper, we analyze the average consensus algorithm for a distributed network size estimation bounded by the stopping criterion proposed for the wireless sensor netwo... |
Kenyeres, Martin
Kenyeres, Jozef
On Comparative Study of Deterministic Linear Consensus-based Algorithms for Distributed Summing The exact information about the network size is crucial for the proper functioning of many distributed algorithms. In this paper, we analyze the average consensus algorithm for a distributed network size estimation bounded by the stopping criterion proposed for the wireless sensor netwo... |
Jílek, Jiří
Štork, Milan
Assessment of Three Multiple Cuff Blood Pressure Devices Shortcomings of single cuff blood pressure devices have led to research of devices with more than one cuff for improved accuracy. We assessed two devices that use two cuffs and one device that uses three cuffs. The devices with two cuffs use one occluding arm cuff an... |
Jičínský, Milan
Mareš, Jan
Verešpejová, Ludmila
Chovanec, Martin
Speech Processing in Diagnosis of Vocal Chords Diseases The paper presents new possibilities in the ways of analyzing voice of patients suffering from voice disorders. Specialized software has been developed for this purpose. Application called Voice disorder diagnostician allows creating own patient database, storing patient’s data, capturing voice o... |
Hrbček, Jozef
Bubeníková, Emilía
Janota, Aleš
Development of the Short Time Signals Processing Unit Using an Embedded System This paper deals with the problem of data collection and processing as a part of the Weight-in-Motion system. The authors present the concept and technical solution of the short time signals processing unit that addresses the given requirements. |
Holota, Radek
Koucký, Václav
Krist, Petr
Valenta, Pavel
Mašek, Bohuslav
Electronic System for Controlled Modification of Temperature Field in Sheet Metal Blanks Technology for modifying the local temperature of a material is tested for hot forming. A system for selective controlled cooling was designed for this purpose and a workplace enabling heating, local cooling and material forming was built. This paper describes the principles and po... |
He, Yi-Lin
Chiang, Hsun-Fu
Chen, Jenq-Shyong
Chang, Paul
The Inaccuracy of Compensation System of Spindle Thermal Growth in Machine Tool Application and Its Solution The development of machine tool is toward high-speed, high-precision and smarter with high-end compensation techniques. The sensor and the data acquiring system are required in compensation system. However, the aliasing phenomenon can be observed in the existing data acquiring system in mach... |
Glasberger, Tomáš
Košan, Tomáš
Molnár, Jan
Rack Mounted Low-profile Indirect Frequency Converter A new indirect frequency converter is introduced in this paper. The main goal of the new proposal is to simplify installation and running as supply unit for industrial applications. It fulfills minimum dimensions requirement and also enables parallel connection and full energy recuperat... |
Gheltu, Ștefan – Andrei
Correlations of the Vowel Formants in Romanian and Emotional Effects on Formants We have investigated the influence of emotions on the level of correlation of the vowel formants in the Romanian language during dynamic pronunciation. We have used in the analysis the sentence /vine mama/ (mother is coming), which is a commonly used phrase in the da... |
Freitas, Lucas F.
Nogueira, Adalberto R
Vizcarra Melgar, Max E.
Data Validation System Using QR Code and Meaningless Reversible Degradation QR Codes are used as information channel on several cryptographic architectures due to their technical properties, such as data capacity and retrieval reliability. This paper presents a novel string data validation system using QR Codes and meaningless reversible degradation. The proposed sc... |
Eroglu, Hasan H.
Design and Implementation of a High Voltage Source for Biphasic Electrical Stimulators Biphasic constant current (CC) stimulators are used in functional electrical stimulation applications. These stimulators require positive and negative high voltage (HV) sources in order to deliver the programmed CC pulses to load. For example, applying symmetrical biphasic CC pulses with 50 ... |
Draxler, Karel
Hlaváček, Jan
Styblíková, Renata
Calibration of Instrument Current Transformer Test Sets The paper presents the basic layout for instrument current transformer calibration using comparative method with a standard. The error difference is evaluated using electronic transformer test sets. Calibrating procedure of these systems using error simulation is also described. In conclusion, re... |
Dragoun, Jaroslav
Talla, Jakub
Košan, Tomáš
Converter Power Losses Computation by FPGA-based HIL Simulator : Invited Paper Converter losses play a crucial role in the process of power converter design. Especially semiconductor components and heat sink selection are strongly dependent on the total power converter losses and thus affect the power converter size and its price. The most popular techniques ... |
Doskočil, Radek
Křivánek, Václav
Bergeon, Yves
Kornelly, Tomáš
Mobile Phone as a Sensor for Robot Navigation System This article presents the results of research of a robust reconnaissance system. The system presented consists of two or more cooperating robots that use a mobile phone as their control unit. The robot is controlled via sockets from a remote server using the GSM standard, ... |
De, Sangita
Niklas, Michael
Rooney, Brian
Mottok, Juergen
Brada, Přemek
Towards Translation of Semantics of Automotive Interface Description Models from Franca to AUTOSAR Frameworks : An Approach using Semantic Synergies The automotive industry is eventually evolving into a complex network of services. The heterogeneous and distributed nature of automotive software systems demands flexible software components which can operate in different environments. Because of heterogeneous automotive development environments, the doma... |
Brtník, Bohumil
Active-RC Filters Suitable as Antialiasing and/or Reconstruction Filters The discrete time signal processing circuit requires an anti-aliasing filter at the input and a reconstruction filter at the output, generally. In this paper, selected basic structures of biquads are described and compared with a view to the degradation of the attenuation over the&... |
Bhajana, V.V.Subrahmanya Kumar
Drábek, Pavel
A Novel ZCS/ZVS Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage Applications In this paper, a new soft-switched non-isolated bidirectional converter is proposed. This proposed converter is operated with soft-switching (zero current switching / zero voltage switching). It is implemented during the turn-on of main switching devices, with the addition of auxiliary reson... |
Belik, Milan
Calculation of solid particle trajectory inside electrical separator based on measured values This article discusses application of data acquisition device National Instruments NI PCI-6221 for electrical separator low cost monitoring. Results can be applicable for air protection and air pollution prevention. Measured basic electrical and environmental values are logged into a file. Furthe... |
Barri, Dalibor
Jakovenko, Jiří
Design and optimization of an Active OTA-C Filter Based on STOHE Algorithm With increasing demands on design and optimization of analog circuits in real applications, a limited number of algorithms for practical use have been presented. The drawbacks of already existing standard algorithms are in a possibility to stagnate in a not optimal solution and als... |
Rymus, Jaroslav
Simulating ADAS Sensors, their Placement and Environment With the advent of autonomous vehicles, carmakers are increasingly involved in developments of Active Safety and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Those systems are part of complex electronic equipment, that – with its sensors, microcontrollers, cable harnesses – will represent up to 40%... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Applied Electronics
- 41 2019
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