Volume 27, Number 1 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Qureshi, Hasham Shahid
Wizcorek, Rebecca
Curb Detection for a Pedestrian Assistance System using End-to-End Learning Our goal is to develop an assistance system for supporting road crossing among older pedestrians. In order to accomplish this, we propose detecting the curb stone from the pedestrians’ point of view. Curb detection plays a significant role in road detection and obstacle ... |
Shirley, Tim
Presnov, Dmitri
Kolb, Andreas
A Lightweight Approach to 3D Measurement of Chronic Wounds This paper presents a light-weight process for 3D reconstruction and measurement of chronic wounds using a commonly available smartphone as an image capturing device. The first stage of our measurement pipeline comprises the creation of a dense 3D point cloud using structure-from-motion ... |
Besenthal, Simon
Maisch, Sebastian
Ropinski, Timo
Multi-Resolution Rendering for Computationally Expensive Lighting Effects Many lighting methods used in computer graphics such as indirect illumination can have very high computational costs and need to be approximated for real-time applications. These costs can be reduced by means of upsampling techniques which tend to introduce artifacts and affect th... |
Merten, Nico
Saalfeld, Sylvia
Preim, Bernhard
Floor Map Visualizations of Medical Volume Data Typically, volumetric medical image data is examined by assessing each slice of an image stack individually. However, this enables observers to assess in-plane spatial relationships between anatomical structures only and requires them to keep track of relationships along the third anatomical ... |
Bustacara-Medina, César
Flórez-Valencia, Leonardo
An automatic stopping criterion for nonlinear anisotropic diffusion Nonlinear anisotropic diffusion (NAD) filtering is a procedure based on nonlinear evolution PDEs which seeks to improve images qualitatively by removing noise while preserving details and even enhancing edges. However, well-known implementations are sensitive to parameters which are necessarily tuned&... |
Daoud, Zeineb
Ben Hamida, Amal
Ben Amar, Chokri
Automatic video fire detection approach based on PJF color modeling and spatio-temporal analysis Recently, due to the huge damage caused by fires in many countries in the world, fire detection is getting more and more interest as an increasing important issue.Nowadays, the early fire detection in video surveillance scenes is emerging as an alternative solution to overcome ... |
Friedrich, Markus
Cuevas, Felip Guimerà
Sedlmeier, Andreas
Ebert, André
Evolutionary Generation of Primitive-Based Mesh Abstractions The procedural generation of data sets for empirical algorithm validation and deep learning tasks in the area of primitive-based geometry is cumbersome and time-consuming while ready-to-use data sets are rare. We propose a new and highly flexible framework based on Evolutionary Computi... |
Kobrtek, Jozef
Milet, Tomáš
Herout, Adam
Silhouette Extraction for Shadow Volumes Using Potentially Visible Sets In this paper, we present a novel approach for accelerated silhouette computation based on potentially visible sets stored in the octree acceleration structure. The scene space, where the light source can appear, is subdivided into voxels. The octree voxels contain two precomputed ... |
Belyaev, Sergey
Smirnov, Pavel
Smirnova, Natalia
Shubnikov, Vladislav
Fast Adaptive Undersampling for Volume Rendering Adaptive undersampling is a method for accelerating the rendering process by replacing the calculation of a volume integral with an interpolation procedure for a number of pixels. In this paper, we propose a method for accelerating&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 27 (2019)
- 9 2019