Číslo 1 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dömők, Csilla
Die EU und die europäische Identität The problem of European identity is often analysed from the perspective of the European unity. From the historical point of view, it’s completely understandable, however, this examination aspect often leads only to resignative results.We are living in the globalisation era, where the in... |
Aborisade, Ayodele Samuel
Nigeria’s foreign reserves and the challenges of development, 1960–2010 Since independence in 1960, the Nigerian state has struggled to earn for itself a respectable position globally. Scholars of various disciplines such as economics, political science, sociology and history through their works, have examined those resources that enhance the country’s economic ... |
Okajare, Solomon Tai
Emplacing Nigeria as peaceful and secure state in the international system: the monarchy’s intervention as an imperative With the outbreak of Boko Haram insurgency since 2009, surge in Niger Delta militancy in the Yar’Adua/Jonathan years, proliferation of kidnapping particularly of expatriates and Chibok Girls coupled with the orgy of killings unleashed on harmless and armless farmers, women, and children... |
Ječný, Radim
Kohlebahnen in Böhmen und Mähren von der Hälfte des 19. Jh. bis zur Gegenwart The subject of this study is the historical analysis of so called “Coal Railways” from the beginning till the twenties of the 20th century, i.e. railway companies formed primarily to coal transportation especially in the region of North-Western Bohemia. The explored task is the... |
Pásztorová, Barbora
Metternich and civil war in Switzerland The purpose of this study is analysis of Austrian Chancellor Metternich’s approach towards the civil war in Switzerland, which ensued in 1847 between the Catholic and Protestant cantons, and evaluation of the consequences of Metternich’s diplomatic defeat, for him personally and also fo... |
Illik, Péter
The fall of the Spanish armada: historiography, identity and reception This short study is based on the monograph titled A spanyol armada pusztulása (1588) Historiográfia, identitás, recepció [The Fall of the Spanish Armada. Historiography, Identity and Reception], Budapest, 2017. The book was written by the author in Hungarian language. This article offers... |
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- West Bohemian Historical Review
- 2018
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