Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (CEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Banias, Myron
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Numerically modelling temperature deformations and stresses in the exhaust system of a gas compressor unit During the operation of a gas compressor unit, the temperature of the exhaust system can cause failure or burnout of the inner facing sheets of the unit. The article describes a technique for determining the maximum temperature deformations of these elements. The technique enables&... |
Jeřábek, Matěj
Volf, Michal
Richter, Lukáš
Air Drying in an Industrial Compressor In many industrial applications where compressed air is used it is necessary to increase the quality of the air by decreasing its humidity. This is done by either a condensation or adsorption dryer in the compressor circuit. In this article, the focus is on an industrial&... |
Sklabinskyi, Vsevolod
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Piteľ, Ján
Pavlenko, Ivan
Skydanenko, Maksym
Ostroha, Ruslan
Yukhymenko, Mykola
Simeiko, Kostiantyn
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Yurchenko, Oleksandr
Mandryka, Oleksandr
Experimental Studies and Condition Monitoring of Auxiliary Processes in the Production of Al2O3 by Sol–Gel Technology Powders and granules of heavy metal oxides produced through condition monitoring are in high demand as intermediate products for obtaining fine-grained ceramics for a wide range of applications, i.e., nuclear fuel and fuel elements for nuclear power plants. Sol–gel technology to produce ... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Antoš, Pavel
Effect of Cylinder Roughness on Strouhal Number The main goal of this paper is to establish a better understanding of the relationship between a Strouhal number and surface roughness. Hot-wire anemometry was used to evaluations the characteristics of turbulent flow behind circular cylinders with different relative roughness 0% (smooth... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Kosiak, Pavlo
The structure of turbulent flow behind the NACA 0012 airfoil at high angles of attack and low Reynolds number This paper shows the results of a study of the turbulent structure behind the NACA 0012 airfoil. During the experiment, the flow velocity was 20 m·s−1. That corresponds the Reynolds number 1.3·105. The point behind the trailing edge was chosen for experimental studies. Measurements... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Slobodnik, Karel
Dolezel, Ivo
Modeling of temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces obtained by additive technique Temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces produced by laser cladding is modeled. The mathematical model includes the description of all important physical phenomena taking part in the process. Experimental ... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Dimensional analysis parameters of turbulence in the wake of a square cylinder In this article, we show the results of a study of the structure of a turbulent flow behind a square cylinder. Namely, for the series of points that have the highest standard deviation value. During the experiment, we were changing the position of the square cylinder ... |
Duda, Daniel
Jelínek, Tomáš
Němec, Martin
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Žitek, Pavel
Observation of flow structure past a full-stage axial air turbine at the nominal and off-design states The air flow inside single-stage test turbine is studied experimentally by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Here we report the measurements results at axial-tangential plane just behind the rotor wheel at middle blade radius. We studied one nominal state and two off-design states. We... |
Duda, Daniel
Jelínek, Tomáš
Němec, Martin
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Žitek, Pavel
Particle image velocimetry measurement inside axial air test turbine - Effect of window We measure the two dimensional instantaneous velocity fields inside an axial turbine by using the technique PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). The measured plane is located just behind the rotor wheel and it is oriented in axial × tangential direction. We measured a single overloade... |
Duda, Daniel
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Analysing mysterious turbulence It is often said that turbulence is the last unsolved problem of classical physics \cite{Uriel}. This is caused by its enormous complexity resulting from the mutual interactions of large number of \emph{objects} of different sizes and strengths -- the \emph{vortices} and other... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Horáček, Vít
Uruba, Václav
Research of a wind tunnel parameters by means of cross-section analysis of air flow profiles Wind tunnel is constructed. It is characterized by a high degree of airflow laminarization. The main constructive element of this aerodynamic tube is the laminarization module. It allows the destruction of turbulent fluxes by providing a homogeneous laminar flow. In order to evaluate... |
Bém, Jindřich
Duda, Daniel
Kovařík, Jiří
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Visualization of secondary flow in a corner of a channel We report observation of secondary flow in one corner of developing channel air flow. Length of the channel, i.e. length of boundary layer, is 400?mm, which is 3.2 times the channel cross-sectional size. Three components of velocity are measured by using a Stereo Particle Imag... |
Richter, Lukáš
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Volf, Michal
Vacková, Michaela
Pavlíček, Petr
Krejčí, Miroslav
The Reynolds number effect on dynamics of the wake behind a circular cylinder Circular cylinder in cross-flow was studied experimentally using time-resolved PIV technique. Reynolds numbers based on the cylinder diameter were in range from 3 850 up to 19 260. Effect of the Reynolds number on wake time-mean topology as well as the dynamical behavior is st... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Laserové navařování kompozitního materiálu na bázi měď-čedič pro aplikaci v jaderném průmyslu The paper focuses on the development of a composite copper-basalt laser overlay with high corrosion resistance. The additional material for laser cladding was a powder consisting of a mixture of high purity copper and basalt dust. Within the experimental program, 3 types of powder&... |
Procházka, Pavel
Uruba, Václav
On the Recirculation Zone Behind a Cylinder of Finite Length with Subcritical Aspect Ratio The Particle Image Velocimetry is utilized to investigate flow behind a cylinder of finite length with subcritical value of Aspect Ratio (AR). The cylinder is submitted to uniform freestream with very low intensity of turbulence and thin laminar boundary layer. The flow field canno... |
Uruba, Václav
Reynolds Number in Laminar Flows and in Turbulence Reynolds number is the basic parameter determining the flow-field topology and its evolution in time unambiguously if only inertial, pressure and viscous effects are involved. However the Reynolds number definition is not unique and its physical meaning depends strongly on its actual de... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Skála, Vladislav
On the 3D dynamics of the wake behing a circular cylinder Flow in the wake of a circular cylinder is studied experimentally using time-resolved stereo PIV method. Special attention is paid to 3D topology of dynamical structures. While the distribution of statistic quantities along the cylinder is uniform, and i.e. 2D, the instantaneous flow... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
POD Spectrum of the Wake behind a Circular Cylinder The wake dynamics behind a long circular cylinder in cross-flow was studied using the POD method. The temporal parts of POD modes, Chronoses, are subjected to frequency analysis. Five groups of modes are distinguished according to the frequency contents. The low order high energy... |
Procházka, Pavel
Uruba, Václav
Reynolds Number Effect on Velocity Field and on Coherent Structures behind a Cylinder The Particle Image Velocimetry was used to investigate the coherent structures behind a cylinder under moderate Reynolds number. Dynamical decomposition method was used to detect flow patterns having similar frequency as the vortex shedding frequency which is given by Strouhal number. The... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Skála, Vladislav
Anisotropy of Turbulent Flow around an Airfoil The flow around an airfoil is analyzed from the point of view turbulence anisotropy assessment. The turbulent flow-field in the vicinity of an airfoil is populated by vortices, in some locations they tend to regularity in orientation, i.e. to anisotropy. However in the wake be... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Centrum energetického výzkumu