Volume 14, Number 2 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Khandouch, Younes
Aassif, El Houcein
Agounad, Said
Maze, Gérard
Development of an artificial neural network model for estimating the radius ratio of a one-layered cylindrical shell The results obtained from previous studies on the acoustic scattering of a plane wave by an elastic cylindrical shell, show that the acoustic resonances of the shell are related to its physical and geometrical properties. In order to estimate the radius ratio of an ... |
Tlau, Lalrinpuia
Fundamental flow problems considering non-Newtonian hyperbolic tangent fluid with Navier slip: Homotopy analysis method The presented research article deals with the classical fundamental flows (Poiseuille and Couette) of an incompressible hyperbolic tangent fluid while considering the Navier slip at the walls. The governing equations are solved using the homotopy analysis method. The velocity expressions are ... |
Jaiswal, Bharat Raj
Steady Stokes flow of a non-Newtonian Reiner-Rivlin fluid streaming over an approximate liquid spheroid The investigation is carried out to study steady Stokes axisymmetrical Reiner-Rivlin streaming flow over a fixed viscous droplet, and this droplet to be deformed sphere in shape. As boundary conditions, vanishing of radial velocities, continuity of tangential velocities and shear stresses at... |
Dupal, Jan
Zajíček, Martin
Existence of analytical solution, stability assessment and periodic response of vibrating systems with time varying parameters The paper is focused on a solution of a vibrating system with one-degree-of-freedom (1 DOF). The goal of this presentation is to deal with the method for periodical response calculation (if exists) reminding Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) of linear systems having time dependent para... |
Daridon, Loic
Delaume, Eric
Monerie, Yann
Perales, Frédéric
Local adaptive refinement method applied to solid mechanics A good spatial discretization is of prime interest in the accuracy of the Finite Element Method. This paper presents a new refinement criterion dedicated to an h-type refinement method called Conforming Hierarchical Adaptive Refinement MethodS (CHARMS) and applied to solid mechanics. This... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Applied and Computational Mechanics
- Volume 14 (2020)
- 5 2020