Title: Reconstruction of Surfaces with Ordinary Singularities from Their Silhouettes
Authors: Gallet, Matteo
Lubbes, Niels
Schicho, Josef
Vršek, Jan
Citation: GALLET, M., LUBBES, N., SCHICHO, J., VRŠEK, J. Reconstruction of Surfaces with Ordinary Singularities from Their Silhouettes. Siam journal on applied algebra and geometry, 2019, roč. 3, č. 3, s. 472-506. ISSN 2470-6566.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications
Document type: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85090631577
ISSN: 2470-6566
Keywords in different language: discriminant;surface;projection;contour;multiple plane;Chisini
Abstract in different language: We present algorithms for reconstructing, up to unavoidable projective automorphisms, surfaces with ordinary singularities in three-dimensional space starting from their silhouette, or "apparent contour"-namely, the branching locus of a projection on the plane-and the projection of their singular locus.
Rights: © Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (NTIS)
Články / Articles (KMA)

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