Della Cioppa, Antonio
De Falco, Ivanoe
Koutný, Tomáš
Scafuri, Umberto
Úbl, Martin
Tarantino, Ernesto
Reducing high-risk glucose forecasting errors by evolving interpretable models for Type 1 diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease involving high blood glucose levels that can lead to serious medical consequences. Hence, for diabetic patients the prediction of future glucose levels is essential in the management of the disease. Most of the forecasting approaches in the ... |
Farahani, Mina
Kozák, Tomáš
Pajdarová, Andrea Dagmar
Bahr, Ahmed
Riedl, Helmut
Zeman, Petr
Understanding ion and atom fluxes during HiPIMS deposition of NbCx films from a compound target A combination of time-averaged mass spectroscopy (MS), time-averaged optical emission spectroscopy (OES), and plasma transport modeling was employed to understand the transport processes of ions and atoms in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges resulting in changes in the stoichiometry o... |
Matas, Martin
Houška, Jiří
Magnetic ground state of holmium nitride Rare-earth mononitrides such as HoN exhibit a wide range of useful properties leading to potential applications as magnetic semiconductors, spintronic half-metals, or magnetocaloric refrigerants in hydrogen liquefaction systems. First-principle calculations of electronic structures and related properties of suc... |
Mouček, Roman
Vařeka, Lukáš
Brůha, Petr
Šnejdar, Pavel
On applications of brain-computer interface Brain-computer interface (BCI) applications implement a direct communication path between the brain and the computer. This paper deals with the fundamentals of BCI systems and the experience of the neuroinformatics team with the design and implementation of various BCI applications. Their ad... |
Mouček, Roman
Brůha, Petr
Šnejdar, Pavel
Brain data and driver's attention during simulated drive The attention of drivers is a serious issue and one of the critical factors of road safety. The question is whether the electrical activity of the human brain can be correctly measured/collected and utilized to monitor and interpret the driver's attention during simulated ... |
Pitoňák, Martin
Šprlák, Michal
Ophaug, Vegard
Omang, Ove
Novák, Pavel
Validation of space-wise GOCE gravitational gradient grids using the spectral combination method and GNSS/levelling data The launch of gravity-dedicated satellite missions at the beginning of the new millennium led to an accuracy improvement of global Earth gravity field models (GGMs). One of these missions was the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) launched in 2009. As ... |
Zemčík, Hana
Kroupa, Tomáš
Vaňková, Tereza
Zemčík, Robert
Pihera, Josef
Prosr, Pavel
Kadlec, Petr
Šroubová, Lenka
Müllerová, Eva
Martínek, Petr
Pavlica, Richard
Komárek, Josef
Friedl, Jan
Polanský, Radek
Hybrid steel–composite cross-arm for distribution power lines This paper describes the development of electrically insulating hybrid steel–composite cross-arm for mediumvoltage overhead distribution power lines with three conductors. The main goal was to achieve substantial weight savings ompared to a common steel cross-arm with three ceramic insulators widely... |
Stehlík, Petr
Švígler, Vladimír
Volek, Jonáš
Bifurcations in Nagumo Equations on Graphs and Fiedler Vectors Reaction-diffusion equations serve as a basic framework for numerous dynamic phenomena like pattern formation and travelling waves. Spatially discrete analogues of Nagumo reaction-diffusion equation on lattices and graphs provide insights how these phenomena are strongly influenced by the discrete and... |
Stehlík, Petr
Švígler, Vladimír
Volek, Jonáš
Source-sink dynamics on networks: Persistence and extinction Dynamics of populations with logistic growth leads to global persistence on arbitrary networks, whereas bistable dynamics is always associated with local extinction. In this paper we study a reaction-diffusion model on networks with a combination of both logistic and bistable reactions. We... |
Vu, Bich Ngoc
Lukeš, Vladimír
Stingl, Michael
Rohan, Eduard
A sequential global programming approach for two-scale optimization of homogenized multiphysics problems with application to Biot porous media We present a new approach and an algorithm for solving two-scale material optimization problems to optimize the behaviour of a fluid-saturated porous medium in a given domain. While the state problem is governed by the Biot model describing the fluid–structure interaction in homogenized... |
Vlček, Jaroslav
Kaufman, Michal
Pajdarová, Andrea Dagmar
Haviar, Stanislav
Čerstvý, Radomír
Houška, Jiří
Farahani, Mina
Detailed pathway for a fast low-temperature synthesis of strongly thermochromic W-doped VO2 films with a low transition temperature We report the discharge characteristics, and population of chosen atomic neutral (V, O and Ar) and ionic (V+, V2+, O+, and Ar+) species in the discharge during low-temperature (350 °C) depositions of W-doped VOx films onto a 170 nm thick Y-stabilized ZrO2 layer on a 1... |
Rajain, Kanika
Bizzarri, Michal
Lávička, Miroslav
Kosinka, Jiří
Bartoň, Michael
Towards G1-Continuous Multi-Strip Path-Planning for 5-Axis Flank CNC Machining of Free-Form Surfaces Using Conical Cutting Tools Existing flank milling path-planning methods typically lead to tiny gaps or overlaps between neighbor-ing paths, which causes artifacts and imperfections in the workpiece. We propose a new multi-strip path-planning method for 5-axis flank milling of free-form surfaces which targets G1 (tangent-pl... |
Rohan, Eduard
Lukeš, Vladimír
Homogenization of the acoustic transmission on periodically perforated plates interacting with potential mean flow The paper is devoted to the homogenization of the acoustic waves interacting with background steady inviscid and irrotational flow in the neighbourhood of rigid peri- odically perforated plates. We present a model of an acoustic interface obtained by the asymptotic homogenization of a... |
Čurda, Pavel
Kaftan, David
Kozák, Tomáš
Kumar, Sanjay
Sezemský, Petr
Straňák, Vítězslav
High-defined and size-selective deposition of nanoparticles by their manipulation in an electrostatic field This study combines numerical simulation with an experimental investigation of high-level designed nanostructured surfaces built from metal nanoparticles (NPs). The ultimate goal of this research is to prepare highly designed isotropic surfaces with high purity, defined size, homogeneous surface cover... |
Pleskunov, Pavel
Košutová, Tereza
Protsak, Mariia
Tosca, Marco
Biliak, Kateryna
Nikitin, Daniil
Krtouš, Zdeněk
Hanuš, Jan
Houška, Jiří
Cieslar, Miroslav
Ali-Ogly, Suren
Kuš, Peter
Kylián, Ondřej
Choukourov, Andrei
A multi-timescale model predicts the spherical-to-cubic morphology crossover of magnetron-sputtered niobium nanoparticles Sputter-based cluster beam deposition offers a solvent- and effluent-free physical method to synthesize nanoparticles (NPs) with tailored characteristics. Here, depending on pressure, we synthesize Nb NPs of spherical (diameter 32 nm) and cubic (side length 19 nm) shape, and perform a detail... |
Holubová, Gabriela
Levá, Hana
Travelling wave solutions of the beam equation with jumping nonlinearity We study the existence of travelling wave solutions of a nonlinear fourth–order partial differential equation which can be considered as a model of an asymmetrically supported beam. We use a variational approach and show that there exist infinitely many travelling wave solutions under... |
Hrabačka, Martin
Bulín, Radek
Hajžman, Michal
New actuation planning method for the analysis and design of active tensegrity structures This paper deals with actuation planning and control for active tensegrity structures. Within actuation planning, a specific actuation in the form of adjustments of cables’ rest lengths is assigned to the resulting structure to follow a prescribed complex trajectory. The methodology is ... |
Gavrilyuk, Alexander
Nedela, Roman
Ponomarenko, Ilia
The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Distance-Hereditary Graphs A graph is said to be distance-hereditary if the distance function in every connected induced subgraph is the same as in the graph itself. We prove that the ordinary Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm tests the isomorphism of any two graphs if one of them is distance-hereditary; more&... |
Dvořák, Radim
Kolman, Radek
Mračko, Michal
Kopačka, Ján
Fíla, Tomáš
Jiroušek, Ondřej
Falta, Jan
Neuhäuserová, Michaela
Rada, Václav
Adámek, Vítězslav
Gonzáles, José A.
Energy-conserving interface dynamics with asynchronous direct time integration employing arbitrary time steps The derivation and implementation of an asynchronous direct time integration scheme for domain-decomposed finite element models is presented. To maximize clarity in the description of the proposed asynchronous integration, the scheme is restricted to the linear-elastic stress wave propagation case.... |
Holub, Přemysl
Hofman, Jakub
On S-packing Colourings of Distance Graph D(1,t) and D(1,2,t) For a non-decreasing sequence of positive integers S = (s_1, s_2 , ...), the S-packing chromatic number x_S(G) of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that the vertex set of G can be partitioned into subsets X_i, i \in {1, 2, ... , k}, where vertic... |
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