Číslo 1-2 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ovský, Přemysl
Miroslav Černý – Život s indiány tří Amerik: Čtení o Václavu Šolcovi (2019) |
Křížová, Markéta
Jan Kapusta – Oběť pro život: Tradice a spiritualita dnešních Mayů (2020) |
Pátková, Simona
Pohlavní osvěta ve světle příruček 19. století |
Krajčovič, Pavol
Sídla Huncokárov v Malých Karpatoch na kartografických materiáloch z 18. až 19. storočia This paper examines the settlements of the Huncokars, German-speaking woodmen in the Little Carpathians, as evidenced by the cartographic materials of the 18 th and 19 th century. The first part of the study focusses on the description of the surveyed area; the second part... |
Ovský, Přemysl
Analýza etnografické fotografie v kontextu díla Václava Marka The article represents the content analysis of the work of the Czech ethnographer Václav Marek from two points of view. The first one is the textual analysis of the thematic topics of his ethnographic work. The other is the image analysis, namely the examination of his... |
Maroši, Filip
Společenské aktivity brněnských Řeků The aim of the study is to describe the possibilities of Greek social life in Brno and the activities of Greek organizations in the research area. The study examines the position of these organizations in the Greek community and asks to what extent they influence the ... |
Soukopová, Aneta
Mezi církví a armádou: profesní identita vojenských kaplanů This article deals with the professional iden tity of military chaplains, formed by two institutions, the army and the church. The work is based on the theoretical grounding of the sociology of professions, role conflicts, spiritual service and the military environ ment.... |
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