Název: The Use of Educative Videos to Develop Critical Competence
Autoři: Caldeiro-Pedreira, Mari-Carmen
Havránková, Tereza
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: CALDEIRO-PEDREIRA, M. HAVRÁNKOVÁ, T. The Use of Educative Videos to Develop Critical Competence. In: E-learning: Unlocking the Gate to Education around the Globe. Praha: Centre for Higher Education Studies, 2019. s. 234-239. ISBN 978-80-86302-85-0.
Datum vydání: 2019
Nakladatel: Centre for Higher Education Studies
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/43114
ISBN: 978-80-86302-85-0
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: The;Use;Educative;Videos;Develop;Critical;Competence
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Abstract: The technology society and the increasing number of communication tools have given a rise to the development of new forms of teaching. Nowadays it is practically impossible to teach using traditional approaches. The media world requires implementation of new teaching-learning methodologies that enable students to acquire skills for life in society. These skills help them prepare for the world of work where they will have to face the challenge of intercommunication and understanding. Therefore, applying a literature review, this research focuses on analyzing the educational potential of videos and their application in the education in the 21st century. When implementing video activities into classes, students become co-designers of their own knowledge. To transmit the acquired knowledge students need to develop critical thinking skills as these skills enable students to act autonomously and responsibly. The main objectives of the paper are: learning and constructive learning; a construction that is carried out in an orderly manner, supervised by subject specialist teachers. The study aims to analyze the research that has been conducted in the field and prove that there is a need to change the traditional approach to teaching. Finally, the study presents the current situation and the future direction for further development.
Práva: © Centre for Higher Education Studies
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