Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2021 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Svobodová, Alexandra
3D modeling in the context of technical education at the 1st stage of primary school This project is dedicated to designing examples for 3D modeling and related teaching. Teaching is primarily intended for the 5th grade of primary schools. When designing the teaching, I based on my previous experience in teaching 3D modeling at the Children'... |
Knopp, Jakub
3D printed puzzle with QR code This technical and didactic project aims to connect work with a computer and a smartphone with manual activity. Working with a computer involves creating and editing .stl files for the ... |
Studentova, Varvara
Kulyginа, Liubov
Making a creative educational environment for students in training sessions Product of this project is a set of worksheets, that are designated for use in technical education classes at elementary school. There are two types of sheets in this project. First part is devoted to practical task... |
Vácová, Ingrid
Design and construction in technical education in elementary school Product of this project is a set of worksheets, that are designated for use in technical education classes at elementary school. There are two types of sheets in this project. First part is devoted to practical task... |
Lozhkin, Nikita
Kulygina, Liubov
Additional education at school as an optional component educational process The problem of increasing the creative self-realization of students at school is touched upon. On the basis of the MBOU "Stavrovskaya Secondary School" of the Vladimir Region, he was the creator of the program of the creative association "Quintessence"... |
Šmíd, Josef
Virtual reality and its application in secondary education The aim of this work is to present the virtual reality –the technology itself and how it can be applied in the secondary education to the public. It also proposes a few available Headsets for the schools.The ... |
Simonova, A.E.
Using the Kinusaiga technique for the development of fine motor skills in children It's no secret that the development of speech is closely related to the state of fine motor skills. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that "The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips." The part of the cerebral cortex responsible for the mo... |
Oskina, Julia
Mironova, Polina
Ukhina, N.A.
Embroidery as the development of fine motor skills in preschool children with severe speech disorder This article discusses the issue of development of fine motor skills in preschool children with speech disorders with embroidery. The text describes the exploration that was conducted on the basis of this topic. Objectives of this st... |
Málková, Bára
Researchers'cultivation work at the University of Hradešice The Bachelor thesis contains an introduction to researcher growing education in preschool. In addition, the inclusion of research activities in RVP PV according to partial educational objectives. Together with the children, we te... |
Zábranská, Kateřina
Use of hydrogel in the context of cultivation work The bachelor thesis deals with the description, observation and possibilities of using hydrogel. The topic is supplemented by past experiments and ideas for working with a hydrogel in Cultivation classes. The work can serve as a basis for acquainting students with hydrogels on a... |
Černá, Pavlína
Tasks of recreational mathematics The term recreational mathematics can be used to describe an area of mathematics that serves users as a kind of entertainment. The given individuals then leads to the solution of the task in a playful way. By solving the problem, the solver develops his logical thinking,&... |
Hájková, Marcela
Wood sample book Goals: The aim is to create a didactic aid for a tree identification set-a wood sample book, that would be used during teaching as well as to test the knowledge. Description: The wood sample book and the wood samples were made from cut-offs which were obtained from... |
Bláhová, Dana
Gamebook as an interactive teaching aid The thesis adressed the topic of the use of interactive fiction, specifically gamebooks, in modern education. The theoretical part described how the gamebooks work in general and focused on their history in both entertainment industry and education. The main, practical part of the ... |
Frolík, Dominik
Covid-Game Covid-Game is not really a game at all, but an optimization task in which your task is to help the virus find its way to the goal. A moving virus can only stop against a wall or a friend (another virus). Getting them quickly where we nee... |
Damirovna, Merinova Rufina
The use of mobile phone at the lesson of a foreign language Introduction. Currently, most of the learning options that are considered traditional are gradually giving way to new forms of learning. The application of new pedagogical technologies is impossible with-out... |
Baselidesová, Iveta
Development of technical literacy within organized extracurricular activities The bachelor's thesis focuses on the development of technical skills during non-formal education. It deals with the characteristics of the conceptsof non-formal education and technical literacy. The thesis describes... |
Partynglová, Dana
Creation of experimental activities on the research of solid materials for the 78th kindergarten Pilsen The aim of this thesis is to acquaint readers with project schooling and experimental learning, the inclusion of experimental activities in the Framework Education Programme and to introduce a reservoir of experiments with solid materials suita... |
Hlavová, Jana
Didactic aids The little prince Seminar project Didactic aids The Little prince represent Didactic aids for preschool diagnostics inspired by the topic of The Little Prince. It is the process of preparation for enrolment that is very important for the child. Enrolment in the 1st year gives the o... |
Gkorogias, Giorgos
Zotos, Christos
Mitroulia, Maria
Armakolas, Stefanos
Sustainability education via open educational resources In the present dissertation the principles and methodology of Sustainability Education were researched, as they are served through techniques and applied distance education programs. Examples of Digital Platform&... |
Audesová, Kateřina
Motivation of preschool children to self-service skills-eating The bachelor thesis is focused on healthy eating, proper eating habits, self-service during eating and preparing simple meals for childrenpreschool age. The theoretical part deals with the benefits of self-care for childrenpreschool age, food pyramid, motivation of children... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Olympiáda techniky
- 50 2021