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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorKawarabayashi, Ken-ichi
dc.contributor.authorKlavík, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorMohar, Bojan
dc.contributor.authorNedela, Roman
dc.contributor.authorZeman, Peter
dc.identifier.citationKAWARABAYASHI, K., KLAVÍK, P., MOHAR, B., NEDELA, R., ZEMAN, P. Isomorphisms of maps on the sphere. In: Polytopes and Discrete Geometry. Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2021. s. 125-147. ISBN 978-1-4704-4897-4, ISSN 0271-4132.cs
dc.description.abstractHopcroft a Wong v roku 1974 navrhli lineárny algoritmus na zjišťování isomorfismu polyherálních grafů. V příspěvku navrhneme modifikovaný algoritmus na řešení tohoto problému s lineárnou složitostí. Práce obsahuje detaily nevyhnutné pro implementaci i důkaz linearity.cs
dc.format23 s.cs
dc.publisherAmerican Mathematical Societyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolytopes and Discrete Geometryen
dc.rightsPlný text je přístupný v rámci univerzity přihlášeným uživatelům.cs
dc.rights© American Mathematical Societyen
dc.subjectMapa grupa plocha algoritmus isomorfismuscs
dc.titleIsomorphisms of maps on the sphereen
dc.title.alternativeIsomorfizmy máp na sféřecs
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedFor a class of objects with a well-defined isomorphism relation the isomorphism problem asks to determine the algorithmic complexity of the decision whether two given objects are, or are not, isomorphic. Theorems by Steinitz (1916), Whitney (1933) and Mani (1971) show that the isomorphism problems for convex polyhedra, for 3-connected planar graphs, and for the spherical maps are closely related. In 1974, Hopcroft and Wong investigated the complexity of the graph isomorphism problem for polyhedral graphs. They proved that the problem can be solved in linear time. We describe a modified linear-time algorithm solving the isomorphism problem for spherical maps based on the approach by Hopcroft and Wong. The paper includes a detailed description of the algorithm including proofs. Moreover, our modified algorithm allows to determine (in linear time) the group of orientation-preserving symmetries of a spherical map.en
dc.subject.translatedMap group surface algorithm isomorphismen
dc.project.IDGA20-15576S/Nakrytí grafů: Symetrie a složitostcs
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