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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorHruda, Lukáš
dc.description.sponsorshipMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Repub-lic, project PUNTIS (LO1506) under the program NPU I and University specific researchproject SGS-2019-016 Synthesis and Analysis of Geometric and Computing Modelsen
dc.format119 s.cs
dc.publisherUniversity of West Bohemiaen
dc.rights© 2021 University of West Bohemiaen
dc.subjectzpracování geometriecs
dc.subject3D objektycs
dc.subjectdetekce roviny symetriecs
dc.titleSymmetry Detection in Geometric Modelsen
dc.description.abstract-translatedSymmetry occurs very commonly in real world objects as well as in artificially createdgeometric models. The knowledge about symmetry of a given object can be very useful inmany applications in computer graphics and geometry processing, such as compression,object alignment, symmetric editing or completion of partial objects. In order to usethe symmetry of any object in any given application, it first needs to be found. In thiswork, we provide some background about symmetry in general and about different typesof symmetry, mainly in 3D objects. Then we focus on the task of automatic symmetrydetection in 3D objects and we also describe the link between symmetry detection and theproblem of registration. Most importantly, we present our own contribution in these fields.First, we show a new method of evaluating consensus in RANSAC surface registrationtogether with a thorough analysis of various distance metrics for rigid transformationsthat can be used in this new approach. Afterwards, we provide an analysis of differentrepresentations of the space of planes in context of symmetry plane detection. At last, wepropose a new, robust, fast and flexible method for symmetry plane detection based on anovel differentiable symmetry measure.en
dc.subject.translatedgeometry processingen
dc.subject.translated3D objectsen
dc.subject.translatedsymmetry plane detectionen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Zprávy / Reports (KIV)

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