Proceeding of UIE 2021: XIX International UIE Congress on Evolution and New Trends in Electrothermal Processes
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Kohout, Jan
Šroubová, Lenka
Modeling of the heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet This paper deals with the modeling of a heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet by using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The heat transfer field distribution can be seen from a typical example and discussion of its results. Furthermore, the results of simulations... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Slobodnik, Karel
Dolezel, Ivo
Modeling of temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces obtained by additive technique Temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces produced by laser cladding is modeled. The mathematical model includes the description of all important physical phenomena taking part in the process. Experimental ... |
Rot, David
Knedlík, Michal
Jiřinec, Jakub
Hajek, Jiří
Kožený, Jiří
Podhrazky, Antonín
Cost reduction opportunities in induction surface hardening processes for smaller diameter cylindrical loads This article focuses on the possibilities of improving the efficiency of induction surface hardening (ISH) processes using a specialized spray-quench device. This quench is fabricated using 3D printing, and the load is ... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Raková, Lenka
Rot, David
Controlled Ventilation of Interior Spaces Using a Central Recuperation Unit A common way of ventilating indoor spaces for more significant buildings is to use a central recuperation unit. In contrast to the decentralized recuperation unit, the system must be equipped with &... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Knedlík, Michal
Rot, David
Possibilities of Using an Energy Surplus of Photovoltaic Power Plants Nowadays, the installation of photovoltaic power plants on the roof of houses is becoming more and more common. Compared to earlier times, the surplus electricity to the grid is not wel... |
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- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
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- 59 2021