Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KGS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Holubová, Markéta
Invektiven in der tschechischen und deutschen Sprache The bachelor thesis analyses the German and Czech language invectives that occur in the context of misogyny. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of misogyny and similar disciplines, the historical development of misogyny, its expressions and consequences. The ai... |
Klimentová, Šárka
Srovnání první a druhé verze povídek "Die Schiffskarte" a "Das halbe Gesicht"/ "Der Mann mit dem ganzen Gesicht" od Lenky Reinerové This bachelor thesis focuses on the comparison of the first and second versions of the short stories by Lenka Reinerová, namely Die Schiffskarte and Das halbe Gesicht/ Der Mann mit dem ganzen Gesicht. The thesis includes an analysis of the content, structure and style of&... |
Myslíková, Mariana
Soužití Němců, Židů a Čechů na střední Šumavě The bachelor thesis examines the coexistence of Germans, Jews and Czechs in the 19th and 20th centuries in the central Bohemian Forest. It focuses on the analysis of the factors that influenced their relations, including political and socio-cultural events and patterns of cooperation&#x... |
Kasl, Jakub
Grenze geschlossen. Ein vergessener Roman Lenka Reinerovás The thesis focuses on Lenka Reinerová's early autobiographical work Grenze geschlossen, which deals with the author's escape to exile from National Socialism to Mexico and her subsequent return to the former Yugoslavia after the end of the Second World War and later to Czec... |
Kubešová, Ludmila
Syntaktische Beschreibung der deutschen Werbeslogans auf Online-Plattformen This bachelor thesis deals with the syntactic description of German advertising slogans on online platforms. The key part of the analysis is the construction of a corpus of advertising slogans based on established linguistic criteria. This is followed by a syntactic description of ... |
Rauchová, Anna
Eine ausgewählte deutsche Persönlichkeit: Rolle in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und deren werblichen Erscheinungsformen This bachelor thesis with the title A Selected German Personality: role in Public Relations and its Promotional Manifestations is concerned with the German actress Jella Haase and her artistic career and her role in public relations. The theoretical part deals with communic... |
Procházková, Kristýna
Die Erzählung Bannfluch und Pest von Anton Schott The main goal of the bachelor's thesis is the interpretation of "Bannfluch und Pest. Eine Erzählung aus alter Zeit" by Anton Schott. The introductory part of the thesis is devoted to the author's life and work. The main part of the thesis contains a detailed ... |
Lukešová, Kateřina
Stirbt der klassische Handel, stirbt die Stadt? This bachelor thesis deals with the situation of the "Ladensterben" - (decline of shops) and its aspects in the context of the city. The main aim of this thesis is to define the characteristics of traditional shops and their advantages and disadvantages for&#... |
Mrázková, Michaela
Einsatz der sozialen Medien im Marketing des Vereins Pop Balet z.s. This bachelor thesis focuses on "The Use of Social Media in the Marketing of Pop Balet, z.s." with an emphasis on the project Dance Without Limits. The aim of the thesis was to describe and evaluate the strategies used in social media by Pop Balet, z... |
Husníková, Veronika
Analýza díla Böhmerwald-Sagen od Gustava Jungbauera The aim of the bachelor thesis is the analysis of the work "Böhmerwald-Sagen" by Gustav Jungbauer. Gustav Jungbauer was a German ethnographer and teacher. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to Jungbauer's life and work, theoretical analysis of the genre of... |
Lukačovičová, Klára
Josef Blaus Erzählsammlung Der Honigbaum und andere Geschichten The bachelor thesis focuses on a collection of short stories from the border region, around Nýrsko and Šumava. The thesis deals first with the author of the stories, then with other authors and artists from this era, and finally with each story individually. It points out... |
Khila, Krystsina
Analýza jazykových prostředků komerční reklamy v ruských novinách a časopisech The Bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of language resources used in the advertising texts of the magazine "Avtomir". In the first chapter, we focused on the definition of commercial advertising and advertising discourse. Attention was focused on the structure of adverti... |
Svobodová, Barbora
Potomci ruských emigrantů v České Republice This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the descendants of Russian emigrants in the Czech Republic. The thesis consists of four main chapters in which the topic is discussed in more detail. The first chapter introduces the history of Russian emigration, however, mostly fo... |
Čechová, Kateřina
Česko-bavorská spolupráce v oblasti zdravotnictví The aim of this bachelor thesis was to map the Bavarian-Czech cooperation in the field of healthcare. The first part of the work is devoted to cross-border healthcare in the European Union, Bavarian-Czech cross-border cooperation in the field of crisis management and its individual... |
Krumlová, Kristýna
Komentovaný překlad vybraných textů z knihy B. Schäfera: "Die Gesetze der Gewinner" The objective of this thesis is the translation of a text from the field of gastronomy with a commentary and a glossary. The text is focused on German recipes. It is a translation from German language into Czech. The work is divided into two parts. The th... |
Šafránek, Ondřej
Porovnání dvou vybraných házenkářských klubů ze západních Čech a Bavorska na základě ekonomických, marketingových a sportovních kritérií In this bachelor's thesis, the author focuses on "Comparison of two selected handball teams from western Bohemia and Bavaria on the basis of economic, marketing and sports criterions". The main goal of the thesis is to assess all aspects mentioned in the title, i.e.&#... |
Duchek, Jiří
Komentovaný překlad vybraných publicistických textů This bachelor thesis deals with the theory and practice of translation. The practical part contains a translation of three selected journalistic texts from the German online weekly magazines Der Spiegel and Die Zeit. In addition to the translation, this work also contains in... |
Kubankova, Tatiana
Komparace nabídek českých a ruských cestovních kanceláří do vybrané destinace. Vypracování tematického slovníčku na základě materiálu zvolených textů. The bachelor thesis is devoted to the comparison of offers of Czech and Russian travel agencies to Turkey. The theoretical part consists of an introduction to tourism, an explanation of basic concepts and an analysis of Turkey. The practical part of the work is a comparat... |
Fataliyeva, Javganat
Bohemismy v tlumočnické praxi v Centru na podporu integrace cizinců v Plzeňském kraji Influence of Czech language on foreigner's visiting Center for Support of integration of Foreigners in Pilsen region with short introduction in work of the Centre, description of bohemisms used by clients of the Centre with linguistical analysis, defining bohemisms. Theory of translatolo... |
Petr, Jan
Analýza druhů vět v jazyce propagandy při Letních olympijských hrách v roce 1936 v Berlíně This bachelor thesis is written in German. Its main aim is to analyse the types of sentences that appeared during the Nazi propaganda during the Summer Olympics in 1936. The bachelor thesis consists of two main parts: the theoretical part and the practical one. In the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra germanistiky a slavistiky / Department Germanic and Slavic studies
- 21 translation
- 20 překlad
- 16 bavorsko
- 15 bavaria
- další >
- 185 bakalářská práce