Diplomové práce / Theses (KGS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 35 z 35
Winklerová, Lenka
Bavorsko a východní rozšíření EU: 1993-2004

The diploma thesis deals with the Bavarian European policy during the eastern enlargement of the EU 1993 to 2004. The diploma thesis is designed as a single case study. Through four selected case studies is the deeper understanding of the role of the Free State of Ba...

Bělinová, Veronika
Namen der Dörfer in der tschechisch-sächsischen Grenzregion. Parallelen zwischen der Entwicklung der demographischen Situation im Böhmerwald und im Erzgebirge im Kontext des deutsch-tschechischen Zusammenlebens.

The subject of the thesis is the research and analysis of the names of villages in the Czech-Saxon border region and the search for parallels in the development of the demographic situation in comparison with villages in the Czech-Bavarian border region in the context of ...

Patová, Klára
Übersetzung der Texte zum semantischen Themenfeld Klimawandel und kommunaler Klimaschutz

The author has chosen Translation of texts from the field of climate change and local climate protection as the topic of her diploma thesis. The main aim of this thesis is to translate two texts from the given field, to create a commentary on the translation process&...

Poscharnig, Robert
Hermann Hesse: Demian. Über das Phänomen des sog. nichtklassifizierbaren Werkes im zeitgenössischen literarischen Kontext

The thesis deals with the phenomena of the unclassifiable works written by Hermann Hesse, specificaly in the context of his contemporaries. The greatest attention was being paid to the novel Demian. The thesis deals not only with the analysis of Hesse's works, but also wit...

Charvátová, Sára
Stadtmarketing eines ausgewählten Standortes in Bayern - Regensburg als Vorbild für die Pilsner Kommunalpolitik

The author of this diploma thesis focuses on "City marketing of a selected locality in Bavaria Regensburg as a model for municipal policy in Pilsen." The main aim is to introduce Regensburg and its city marketing and to formulate several recommendations for t...

Tylová, Lucie
Události roku 1989 v Československu očima pamětníků a médií tehdejšího Československa a Svobodného státu Bavorsko

This Thesis discusses about the Events of 1989 in Czechoslovakia through the Eyes of Contemporaries and the Media of Czechoslovakia and the Free State of Bavaria at that Time.

Komendová, Klára
Sousední jazyky. Porovnání jazykových iniciativ euroregionů Krušnohoří a Šumava - Bavorský les - Dolní Inn

The submitted diploma thesis examines the level of knowledge in the relevant neighboring language (German and Czech) in the respective neighboring country (in Germany - Bavaria and Saxony, and the Czech Republic) and their foreign language teaching system. The author also deals with...

Kárová, Tereza
Sitten und Bräuche an der Grenze: Erforschung des böhmischen und bayerischen Brauchtums und dessen Transfers

This diploma thesis deals with the topic "Customs and traditions at the borders: research of Czech and Bavarian customs and research of their transmission". As part of this work, close cooperation was established with information and tourist centers in cities in the Czech-Bava...

Solomková, Štěpánka
Obchodní, akademická, politická zastoupení: Obrysy "bavorské zahraniční politiky"

The diploma thesis deals with the actual scope of the "foreign policy" of the Federated State of Bavaria, although on the basis of Article 32/1 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany this authority is the exclusive competence of the state. The ai...

Toman, Jiří
Literarische und kulturgeschichtliche Exkursionen nach Bayern. Edukative Projekte für Schulen und Reisebüros

This master thesis discusses the offer of the trips to Bavaria which are offered to different Czech groups. There is a description of the well known and lesser-known Bavarian monuments and also the offer of various trips with different themes.

Hosnedlová, Sandra
Nachhaltige Automobilindustrie in Tschechien und Deutschland: Herausforderungen und Chancen für Elektromobilität

The thesis seeks to identify the chances and challenges for electromobility in the Czech Republic and Germany. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyze its strengths and weaknesses as well as, from the customer's standpoint, to identify its potential. The theoretical part...

Jirková, Aneta
Komentovaný německo-český glosář k sémantickému poli z oblasti dispozice materiálu, skladování a kvality designových radiátorů na příkladu společnosti Kermi s. r.o.

The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop a professional glossary that includes the most frequent terms from internal logistics, material storage and quality of Kermi design heating. This glossary is intended mainly for translators who focus on the translation of technical or...

Blažek, Jan
Osvojování si německého jazyka a bavorských dialektů v kontextu moderních technologií

This diploma thesis aims to show the possibilities of the German language and Bavarian dialects learning and acquisition in the context of modern technologies and current technological platforms. The theoretical part is based on more various conceptual bases and deals with the definitio...

Pavlikovský, Josef
K otázkám utváření identity českých Němců. Případové studie z česko-bavorského pohraničí

The topic of this Master's thesis is the formation of the identity of German Bohemians, who come from the Bohemian-Bavarian border region. The Master's thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part the author focuses ...

Fialová, Daniela
Forma a funkce nepřímé řeči ve vybraných německých komunikátech publicistického stylu

This Diploma thesis deals with the usage of indirect speech in German written press that originated in the federal state of Bavaria. The research is mainly focused on usage of the German Konjunktiv to express the indirect speech. The main objective is to find out how ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 35 z 35