Číslo 1-2 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Grznárová, Michaela
Lenka J. Budilová a kol. – Etnické skupiny, hranice a identity (2020) |
Kovalčíková, Lujza Mária
Ľubica Voľanská a Adam Wiesner (eds.) – Nové prístupy v etnológii a sociálnej antropológii na Slovensku (2019) |
Fojtíková, Dominika
Zpráva ze Studentské antropologické konference v Plzni (12. listopadu 2021) |
Jagošová, Anna
Mezi folklorem a folklorismem: Fenomén slovácký verbuňk |
Uhrin, Michal
Metodologický agnosticizmus a vedecká antropológia v antropologickom výskume náboženstva The aim of this article is to contribute to debates on the question of objectivity and subjectivity in anthropological research, which has been prominent in academic discourse since the second half of the 20th century. The paper focuses on selected approaches to ... |
Vídršperková, Lenka
Princezna se zlatou hvězdou na čele: Ukázka teorií pohádky According to psychoanalysis and the depth psychology, folktales and dreams can be seen as modalities through which the unconscious manifests itself. Using the folktale ATU 510B The Donkey Skin, some theories of folktales are introduced in this paper. Although the emphasis i... |
Soukupová, Monika
„Jste-li Kristovi, jste potomstvo Abrahamovo“: Etnografická studie českého mesiánsko-židovského společenství The aim of the study is to acquaint the reader briefly with the movement of Messianic Judaism in the world and to introduce its specific Czech form in more depth. Based on almost two years of field research in the Messianic community in Prague, the author describes... |
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