Číslo 1 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fabianková, Klára
International Online Conference: Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920) – Second edition, 4th–5th June 2021, Romania |
Dryková, Blanka
Mark DUNTON Images of The National Archives: Prime Ministers of the 20th Century Barnsley 2021 ISBN 978-15-267-2949-1, 88 pp. |
Oyeweso, Siyan
Oluwafunminiyi, Raheem
Becoming Olorisa: Ede Town (Nigeria) in the Making of Ulli Beier and Susanne Wenger This paper examines the place of the historic Yoruba town of Ede, southwest Nigeria and the institution of Timi (traditional title of all Ede kings) in the evolution and development of Ulli Beier and Susanne Wenger’s thoughts on Yoruba art, culture and religion. At ... |
Soile, Oluwaseun I.
Odunlami, Babatunde A.
British Colonial Administration and Inter-group Relations in Yorubaland: The Case of Remo Groups in Sagamu, Southwestern Nigeria The appearance of the Europeans on the West African coasts as well as the establishment of colonial rule is one of the defining moments in Nigerian history. This has brought about a profound impact on the socio-economic and political development of the people of... |
Olusegun Adeyeri, James
Social and Economic Development of Akoko Society under Colonial Rule The Akoko people are domiciled in the eastern part of Ondo State, and northeast Yorubaland, Nigeria. In 1897, Akokoland was conquered and brought under British rule. The transformatory impact of British colonial rule, especially in relation to Akoko economy and society stil... |
Bali, Lóránt
As a Nationality among the “Internal Enemies” of State Socialist Hungary, Reasons and Everyday Life in the Fifties, especially regarding Zala County The 620-kilometer-long Yugoslav-Hungarian border was an area of the so-called Little Cold War in the 1950s. The aim of the study is to present the social and political characteristics of the fifties along the Mura, based on the example of Zala County. In addition&... |
Koumar, Jan
Quotidian Life of Aristocracy in the First Czechoslovak Republic. The Case of the House of Collalto e San Salvatore This text deals with the quotidian life of the Czechoslovakia-based members of the House of Collalto e San Salvatore in 1918–1938. After a general introduction summing up the political and family situation of the House, the attention is paid to the means of transport... |
Kilián, Jan
Enemy behind the Gates: The Occupation of Central European Cities during the Thirty Years’ War The present study aims to briefly discuss the basic aspects of the occupation of Central European cities by enemy troops, based on a comparison of the course of military stays. The findings will be based on the author’s research of both recent literature and archiv... |
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