Číslo 1 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Nambiar, Akanksha
Christian List: Why free will is real |
Bláha, Petr
Petr Bláha: Narodil jsem se den poté… Politický a občanský aktivismus severočeské hardcore punkové scény |
Avanesova, Maria
Josef Mlejnek jr.: Boj o svatého Vladimíra. Křesťanství a nacionalismus v zápase o ukrajinskou autokefalitu |
Chroustovský, Luboš
Zpráva z konference Sounds as Material Culture: Experimental Archaeology and Ethno-Archaeology (ISGMA, Berlin, 1.–5. 11. 2021) |
Rosůlek, Přemysl
Interview with Prof. Ruzha Smilova on Depoliticization, Populism, and Bulgaria |
Koláříková, Dagmar
K otázce adaptace lexému instagram v českém a francouzském jazyce One of the new social media attracting people's attention is Instagram which has become a medium for photo and video sharing. The aim of the study is to classify and describe the type of word formation on the name Instagram using the word formation theory proposed... |
Blechová, Kristýna
Reciprocita a reprodukce sociálního kapitálu v kontextu kmotrovských vazeb This study focuses on the role of godparenthood in building social capital in Europe during the 19th century. It seeks to explain how social capital was reproduced in horizontal and vertical ties and what role reciprocity played. However, reciprocity is viewed primarily in the ... |
Olamaiekopaie, Maryam
Arzroomchilar, Ehsan
Tabātabā’i: Theory of Iʿtibāriyyāt and His Political Philosophy Tabātabā'i is one of the greatest philosophers in the contemporary Islamic world. In this paper, his significant contribution to Islamic philosophy, namely the theory of iʿtibāriyyāt, is discussed. He divides all knowledge into two categories; haqīqī, originating from the external world, ... |
Klik, Jan
Hijrah of Our Time: Islamic Concept of Religious Emigration in Contemporary Salafism This study presents a comparison of the religious-legal concept of the hijrah in the approach of schools of Salafism, which are the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and the Muhammad al-Albani’s and his disciples’ teachings. The first, theoretical section of the submitted m... |
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