2008 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vaněk, Josef
Sálavé vytápění a tepelná pohoda In this project I deal with thermal comfort and radiant component conversion efficiency of high temperature and low temperature radiant panels. Then I deal with components, that influence thermal comfort and with heat transfer coefficient for varions possibilities of panel suspension. |
Tauš, Jan
Rozložení intenzity elektrického pole na izolátorovém řetězci – vliv kapacitního kruhu This paper describes distribution of electric field intensity on insulator chain. The aim of thesis is to describe the benefit of capacity circle. Work is only theoretically. Output is in professional software. It is used for numerical solution of electromagnetic field – FEMM. They... |
Kroupa, Oldřich
Indukční ohřevy v praxi In this paper I focus on the metods of identification of the cylinder electromagnetic field over induction equipment according to its configuration – inductor, charge and shielding of the electromagnetic field. The results obtained by measuring of the model were verified by computer... |
Ježek, Václav
Asymetrický zkratový proud In this paper is described a short circuit current waveform, and more specifically, the fully-offset asymmetrical short circuit. This is the worst case short-circuit considered in the standards for metal-clad switchgear (ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2) and circuit breakers (ANSI/IEEE C37.04) as it ... |
Bublík, Jaroslav
Indukční ohřev obruče rotoru turbogenerátoru In this paper I deal with induction heating of the shrink-ring. First, I describe advantages of using induction heating in industrial applications. Then I write about concrete problem – heating of the shrink-ring. I determine conditions that are necessary to fulfil during the heati... |
Veisheipl, Karel
Měření vlastností bleskojistek The article in paper describes used types of arresters in telecommunication network, evaluates their electrical parametres and functional features based on the measurement of a selected sample. |
Sušír, Josef
Degradační procesy v elektroizolačním materiálu z hlediska termických analýz This paper contains very important facts about thermal analyses and degradation processes of electro-insulating materials. This area is a very important part of electrical engineering. Insulating material can be exposed to various kinds of stresses. By the help of thermal analyses we ca... |
Morwitzová, Gabriela
Vliv solné mlhy a teploty na elektrické vlastnosti laminátů The investigation of environment influence onto each system is important discipline. The knowledge of environment influence on the properties of materials is important by reason of correct function of systems. Materials, which are used in electrical engineering such as insulating and constru... |
Konárek, Zdeněk
Inovace systému řízení vybraného technologického procesu The paper presents a description of theoretical solutions in the sphere of optimizing control of technological processes and subsequent analysis and application of the chosen control approach on the process. The basic notions and approaches associated with problems of processes optimizing an... |
Hruška, Karel
Určení parametrů náhradního schématu asynchronního stroje v programu FEMM This work deals with problems of determination of parameters of induction machine's substitution diagram using finite element method software FEMM. There are determined parameters of subtitution diagram corresponding both with stator and rotor (leakage inductances and resistivities) and magnetizing... |
Boček, Jiří
Polymerní nanokompozitní dielektrika a jejich vliv na elektrické vlastnosti This paper deals with polymeric composite dielectrics, which are filled with nano- or nano/micro- particles. It is focused on electric properties of several nanocomposite insulating systems. It is described breakdown strength, voltage endurance, permittivity, loss factor, space charge, partial di... |
Talla, Jakub
Adaptivní řízení spínaného reluktančního motoru bez čidla polohy This paper describes position estimator of switched reluctance motor drive based on artificial neural network model. After the introductory stage, main algorithms used for position and resistance of rotor winding estimation are explained. Estimation algorithms are designed in Matlab software and&... |
Slezák, Pavel
Regulační obvody autonomních solárních systémů This thesis dealing with description and of autonomous solar systems and algorithms for control of decision-making mechanism. Optimal set of theese machanism has effeect in raise of efficiency in hole autonomous system. In practical purposes propose create one by using microprocesor ATMEGA8,... |
Novák, Tomáš
Testování pájitelnosti v inertní atmosféře The article deals with solderability testing in the inert atmosphere. The article also includes comparison of tested samples and the influence of the inert atmosphere. By reason of implementation of inert atmosphere into the soldering process it is necessary to apply the inert atmo... |
Burian, Petr
Implementace genetického algoritmu do obvodu FPGA This paper deals with the implementation of a standard genetic algorithm by an FPGA circuit. It examines the various features of this algorithm. The main goal of this work is building of an evolvable combinational circuit. Demands imposed on an FPGA circuit are researched as... |
Mráz, Jan
Modální analýza vodivých struktur šasi televizního přijímače The highly competitive market of TV receivers brings the implementation of new functions as a must. This has to be carried out without a significant increase in price for the end consumer. The present introduction of digital broadcasting systems offers a possibility of antenna-syst... |
Lahoda, Jiří
Synchronizace napěťových oscilátorů In this paper, there is a possibility of nonlinear dynamic systems control described. A synchronisation of two coupled chaotic oscillators based on the state reconstruction is presented. As an example the well known Lorenz system was chosen and the same method of synchronisation wa... |
Glasberger, Tomáš
Vektorová PWM pro pětifázový napěťový střídač This paper deals with analysis of a space vector pulse width modulation for five-phase voltage source inverters. There is introduced the topology of five-phase voltage source inverters (VSI) and the Park’s transformation for five-phase systems in the paper. Further, the selection of cor... |
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