Ročník 15 (2015) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bibliografická referativní a informativní služba Tato bibliografie byla zpracována jako výběrová, zařazeny sem byly tituly, které se věnují kastellologické tematice. Excerpována byla česká periodika a sborníky, především za rok 2014 a 2015, které jsou standardně uváděny v Bibliografii dějin českých zemí. Pokud redakce obdržela příspěvky &... |
Slavík, Jiří
Glosy k opevnění a stavebnímu vývoji tovačovského zámku A part of the fortification of the Tovačov castle area, which is accessible to the public, was inspected in detail in 2003 in connection with a repair of a bulwark of the roundel fortification. This inspection revealed a lot of interesting findings correcting previous ideas... |
Hobl, Luboš
Věž hradu Gutštejna z pohledu archeologie An unusual situation was revealed in a probe situated by the tower of Gutštejn castle (Tachov District) during an archaeological research in 1998. It was discovered that the tower foundations don’t fit closely to the bedrock but to layers which contain archaeological materia... |
Panáček, Jaroslav
Neznámá vyobrazení hradu Jestřebí, okr. Česká Lípa Castle Jestřebí was built on a lonely sandstone spur probably around 1300 (according to an older hypothesis it wasn’t until the beginning of the 15th century) and use of it was ended in the 1st half of 16th century. A break-up of the rock, which is still in ... |
Patrný, Michal
Předběžné výsledky z aktuálních průzkumů hradu Rabí Two phases of the inner core restoration of Rabí castle were done in 2013-14. On this occasion, an operative exploration of the parts of the building which are normally inaccessible, including dendrochronological dating of wooden features of the original building, were carried out. ... |
Musil, Jan
Nález kolečkového zámku palné zbraně z hradu Košumberka (okr. Chrudim) he ruins of Košumberk castle belong to the most famous historic sights in Chrudim District (Pardubice Region). An extraordinarily well-preserved gun wheellock was discovered during processing of archaeological findings from the earlier castle collection. It is quite a plain military pistol l... |
Wasik, Bogusz
Wiewióra, Marcin
Castle building techniques in the Teutonic Order’s State in Prussia based on examples of selected convent houses in the Chełmno Land, in the light of recent studies The construction of fortifications by the Teutonic Order belongs to one of the most fascinating architectural and artistic phenomena, completed between the 2nd half of the 13th century and the 1st half of the 15th century. Brick castles were erected within widely planned and w... |
Sokol, Petr
Zřícenina hradu Přimda – laserová dokumentace a trojrozměrný model donjonu The ruin of the Přimda castle is one of the most important examples of Romanesque castle architecture in Bohemia, but specialist research into this construction has yet to match its status. Archaeological research conducted on the site, in connection with construction work, ... |
Khol, Rudolf
Snahy o konzervaci zříceniny hradu Frymburk u Nového Hrádku v letech 1950–2015 The paper documents efforts for conservation of Frymburk castle ruins by Nový Hrádek in 1950-2015. On the basis of research of archive sources, expert records and other documents, the author describes all the activities which were supposed to lead to securing of the cas... |
Gabriel, František
Bezejmenné sídlo na katastru obce Levín A castle above Levín belongs to castles in Litoměřice District. Function of the building is definitely confirmed neither by written sources nor, as revealed relics show, by remnants of architecture. Only an archaeological research can determine the final answer to a question of... |
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- Castellologica bohemica
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