Číslo 4 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gatica-Neira, Francisco
Ramos-Maldonado, Mario
Differences in the capacity of adoption of the enabling icts for industry 4.0 in Chile In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution this paper analyzes the factors that explain the degree of diffusion of some Information Technologies (ICTs) enabling Industries 4.0 in Chilean companies. In this group we find technologies such as: Big data, RIFD (Radio frequency ... |
Vallušová, Anna
Kuráková, Ivana
Lacová, Žaneta
Digital inequality and usage gap in the V4 region The V4 countries have achieved different levels of digital transformation due to distinctions in their individual technical infrastructure and human capital characteristics. The success of digital transformation cannot be measured solely by the achieved level of digitalization; the distribution... |
Dincă, Violeta Mihaela
Dima, Alina Mihaela
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on online consumer behavior for the book market in Romania The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, along with the social distancing rules imposed by governments around the world, have caused major changes in the publishing industry and, therefore, in the book consumption patterns. The main goal of this paper is to identify the... |
Paudel, Tulsi
Li, Wen Ya
Kim, Yeong Gug
Examining trekkers’ environmentally friendly behavior using an extended model of goaldirected behavior (MGB) and a new ecological paradigm scale (NEP) Tourism has a substantial environmental impact, and nature-based tourism is particularly vulnerable to tourists’ activities. Individuals must be aware of the consequential ecological effects during nature-based tourism activities such as trekking. Trekking is a widespread nature-based tourism activity in... |
Phan, Anh Chi
Nguyen, Ha Thu
Nguyen, Hao Anh
Matsui, Yoshiki
Moderating roles of information technology link and information sharing in driving supply chain performance through supplier development and knowledge absorption: Empirical evidence from manufacturing firms across countries Along with information technology adoption, supply chain coordination through information sharing activities has become essential to achieve supply chain effectiveness and resilience. This paper presents the results of an empirical study investigating the moderating roles of information technology link... |
Tiron-Tudor, Adriana
Hurghis, Rares
Topor, Dan Ioan
A holistic review of determinants and effects of integrated reporting adoption Integrated reporting represents a new reporting model focusing on the value created by a company over time, using various capitals, and is based on integrated thinking. The latest focus of IR research and articles shifted from analysing the potential benefits or the limitations of&... |
Slavíčková, Jana
Slavíček, Ondřej
Classification of company life cycle stages: an automotive industry in the Czech republic Company life cycle models have been the focus of researchers’ attention for decades, resulting in numerous definitions and determination of stages. Managers are striving to make appropriate strategic decisions at the right time to maximize opportunities linked to various life cycle stages.... |
Dvořáková Líšková, Zuzana
Sagapova, Nikola
Buchtele, Roman
Brownfields and greenfields assessment method in relation to value potential and efficient use Brownfields (greenfields) are defined as the areas with a significant change in the past from sites with intensive use to sites with limited use, further to under-utilized and abandoned areas (De Sousa, 2003; Frantál et al., 2013; Syms, 1999). Brownfields are generally classified a... |
Erkut, Burak
Minsky meets Porter Hyman P. Minsky and Michael E. Porter have developed theories of economic development independently from each other, both being influenced by Joseph A. Schumpeter in different ways. In this contribution, the author focuses on understanding the similarities and differences between these two... |
Li, Ping
Fu, Huiying
Li, Yueyao
Core industry agglomeration of digital economy and green total factor productivity: evidence from China With the advent of the information age and the development of network technology, the digital economy with digital knowledge and information as crucial production factors has become the core driving force for high-quality green economic and social development. This paper took the explor... |
Pacáková, Viera
Labudová, Viera
Sipková, Ľubica
Factors of gender pay gap in the highest wages of employees in the Slovak republic The article contains the results of empirical analysis of data on one percent of employees with the highest salaries in the Slovak Republic in 2020. The starting point for the analysis there is 11,570 anonymized individual values of average gross monthly wage and also... |
Vyrostková, Lenka
Mirdala, Rajmund
Inflation persistence and unit root tests in the euro area countries Persistence is one of the main characteristics of inflation. One of the definitions of persistent inflation is, that it is the rate at which inflation reaches equilibrium after a certain macroeconomic shock. If the inflation persistence is high, the response to inflation sho... |
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