Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Chocholoušek, Michal
Fulín, Zdeněk
Špirit, Zbyněk
Zařízení pro zkušebnictví v prostředí těžkých tekutých kovů In the frame of the project Sustainable Energy (SUSEN), the cycle fatigue and fracture toughness testing is prepared for the candidate materials in heavy liquid metal (HLM) environment used as a primary circuit coolant for Generation IV reactors. The mentioned types of ... |
Eliášová, Ivana
Klatovská, Petra
Kopřiva, Radim
Tonarová, Dana
Materna, Aleš
Návrh optimálního režimu žíhání vnitřních částí reaktoru VVER 440 pro zajištění dlouhodobého provozu The reactor pressure vessel internals are not monitored by surveillance program. The degree of material degradation reactor pressure vessel internals is estimated on literature data from tests of similar materials, or from predictive relationships reported in literature, or calculation ... |
Bystrianský, Martin
Bunda, Zbyněk
Mentl, Václav
Volák, Josef
Kučerová, Ludmila
Zobrazení tahové zkoušky oceli ČSN 416236 z rotoru parní turbíny in-situ v ŘEM In-situ tensile testing of a 27CrNiMoV alloy which is used for steam turbine rotors was carried out using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Deformation and crack formation and propagation was examined using this test. Small (45 x 10 x 1,5 mm, with gauge length 25 ... |
Jansa, Jindřich
Kanta, Jiří
Modulární manipulátor ILJA pro vizuální inspekci A new modular mobile robotic manipulator platform developed by the Research Centre Rez is introduced. The device is intended for visual inspection of hardly accessible and possibly dangerous areas. It offers exploration of underground shafts, ducts, cave-ins and ruins; for industry... |
Kronďák, Martin
Kůs, Pavel
Skala, Martin
Kobzová, Alena
Brabec, Petr
Halodová, Patricie
Veselka, Zbyněk
Mihóková, Janka
Tkáč, Štefan
Pasivace primárního okruhu 3. bloku JE Mochovce v průběhu horkých hydrozkoušek The goal of a passivation of internal surface of reactor coolant system is to create an oxidic corrosion layer. The layer protects the surface and decreases construction materials corrosion rate and thus decreases release of corrosion products into reactor coolant. As a cons... |
Žamboch, Miroslav
Vlček, Petr
Plíhal, Ondřej
Program řízení stárnutí vnitřních částí reaktorů VVER pro zajištění LTO +30 Reactor internals are not part of the primary circuit pressure boundary but fulfil following safety important functions: support of the core, support of the control rod assemblies, medium flow control, shielding of the reactor pressure vessel. The internals are influenced by seve... |
Tonarová, Dana
Brabec, Petr
Fencl, Zdeněk
Krpec, Miroslav
Šik, Antonín
Hodnocení předpínacích kabelů vyjmutých z kontejnmentu ETE In order to monitor the condition of the NPP Temelin containment, the selected cables are removed and checked after long-term operation. The prestressing cables are thoroughly inspected and the end part of the cables with mounting thimble is taken for a stress test. Lab... |
Soukup, Tomáš
Jaderné opravárenství v praxi: rekonstrukce rozvodu napájecí vody parogenerátorů typu VVER 440/1000 na JE Dukovany/Temelín Design of feed water piping of steam generators WWER 440/1000 consists of dissimilar metal welds (DMW) of unalloyed carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel. Limited lifetime of those welds caused by stress corrosion cracking leads to the necessity of weld joint repair.... |
Rohlová, Marie
Slaný, Michal
Horváth, Jakub
Hodnocení vlivu třískového obrábění na mikrostrukturní vlastnosti žáropevné niklové slitiny Machine parts made of creep-resistant nickel alloys designed for high-temperature applications must, by virtue of their application principle, withstand demanding working conditions. The choice of component manufacturing technology has a significant effect on the resulting functional properties and&... |
Horváth, Ladislav
Horváth, Jakub
Konopík, Pavel
Chvostová, Eva
Rund, Martin
Odvrtaný vzorek z kritické části tlakového systému kotle a jeho informační potenciál The development of methodologies for obtaining material values by means of microsamples enables a comprehensive assessment of the critical area of the boiler pressure system from a sample of material obtained by drilling. The paper describes a method of taking a sample, ... |
Kaleta, Karel
Opravy těles ventilů parních turbín svařováním The valve bodies utilized in steam turbines have a multitude of geometric features and are subjected to high temperatures, high pressures, and rapid cycling to and from these conditions. The valves are manufactured from well-engineered castings or forgings. The working temperatures... |
Cvešpr, Pavel
LTOs - datová základna pro řízení životnosti zařízení Information System LTOs solve issues of collection, processing and data evaluation from diagnostics, review and testing of energy equipment. These stored data are used for requirements of Ageing management of equipment and for support of preparation for Long Term Operation in the... |
Špirit, Zbyněk
Kaufman, Jan
Brajer, Jan
Strejcius, Josef
Chocholoušek, Michal
Zvýšení únavové životnosti materiálů metodou laser shock peening Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is one of the modern contactless technologies for surface reinforcement of metallic materials. The technology is based on the shock wave principle generated during the interaction of short laser pulses with the surface of the material. Shock waves&... |
Patera, Jan
Zahrádka, Pavel
Matějíček, Jan
Mareš, Pavel
Problematika měření tečení parovodů High-pressure steam pipelines are subject to creep degradation during operation. It is a permanent deformation caused by long-term load of high temperature and pressure, which increases in time until a subsequent crack and accident occurs. In order to improve the current methodol... |
Švantner, Michal
Tesař, Jiří
Buršík, Martin
Vysokorychlostní termografická diagnostika rotačních dílů energetických zařízení Rotating parts belong to critical components of power devices. Thermographic diagnostics can predict their faults and prevent major failures. The diagnostics can be mostly performed only during an operation of the devices. A poor accessibility of the parts and their high speed... |
Valášek, Jiří
Junek, Lukáš
Lukáš, Jiří
Šťastný, Radovan
Hodnocení rizika uložení potrubních systémů The presented article deals with a brief description of the methodology of pipeline support risk assessment. The term pipeline support means all elements that define the pipeline system in a power plant area. The risk assessment of the pipeline support was created to as... |
Holický, Milan
Hodnocení životnosti energetických zařízení v elektrárnách Presented operational rules for assessment of components service life are closely linked to International Standards ISO, to new European document CEN on assessment of existing structures and to further international documents. The contribution covers instructions for assessment of all kinds ... |
Adamech, Marek
Petzová, Jana
Kopřiva, Radim
Fencl, Zdeněk
Omacht, Daniel
Medzilaboratórne porovnávacie testy SPT metódy pre jej použitie pri stanovovaní mechanických vlastností materiálov používaných v jadrovej energetike The long-term operation of power plants can cause changes in the properties of structural materials. To ensure the safe and reliable operation, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate these changes. Samples for standard mechanical tests are quite large and their availability ... |
Bročko, Peter
Proaktivní přístup k řízení technologického zastarávání |
Brabec, Petr
Fencl, Zdeněk
Tomek, Libor
Změny složení a porozity zrn titanového houbového filtru média primárního okruhu SVO-1 po dlouhodobém provozu na ETE The medium of the primary circuit of the Temelín NPP is continually cleaned by a Ti sponge filter. Its condition is monitored by SEM/EDS analysis of the samples, as well. The composition and porosity of the filter after 15 operational campaigns were compared with... |
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- Životnost komponent energetických zařízení