Title: Státní hranice a poměry v západočeském příhraničí mezi válkami
Authors: Řeháček, Karel
Citation: Bohemiae occidentalis historica: odborný časopis pro české dějiny s důrazem na západní Čechy a s přesahy do příhraničních regionů, zvláště do Bavorska. 2021, roč. 7, č. 2, s. 48-81.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: viaCentrum
Document type: článek
URI: https://old.fpe.zcu.cz/export/sites/fpe/khi/Dokumenty/BOH/BOH_2_2021.pdf
ISSN: 2336-7547
Keywords: státní hranice
bezpečnostní podmínky
západní Čechy
Keywords in different language: state borders
security conditions
western Bohemia
Abstract in different language: The immediate neighborhood with Germany posed a significant security threat, especially for the western Czechoslovak borderland after 1918. Developments abroad almost immediately affected the situation in Czechoslovakia itself, and the local authorities had to respond to it adequately. It was therefore necessary, above all, to strictly guard the state border and prevent the penetration of defective persons, things and ideas across it. It was also necessary to strengthen security measures at the border in order to eliminate common cross-border criminality (smuggling) and kidnapping, transfer of arms, espionage and economic espionage. On both sides of the border, armed conflicts, which often were deadly, were ordinary. That is why the security forces were systematically strengthened in Czechoslovakia and Germany, but their concentration, besides numerous positives, also brought negatives in the form of more frequent conflicts and provocations between them.
Rights: © viaCentrum
Appears in Collections:Číslo 2 (2021)
Číslo 2 (2021)

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