Title: Implementation of the circular economy in agricultural production and the position of the countryside to strengthen national energy security
Authors: Šetek, Jaroslav
Alina, Jiří
Edrová, Petra
Citation: KRESA, Zdeněk (ed.) Business Trends 2022, Plzeň 2022, p. 237-248.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/54549
ISBN: 978-80-261-1126-9
Keywords: cirkulární ekonomika;energetická bezpečnost;energetické využití bioodpadu v zemědělství
Keywords in different language: circular economy;energy security;energy use of biowaste in agriculture
Abstract in different language: Especially in connection with the crisis events of February 24, 2022 (aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine), the importance of ensuring national energy security is growing within the economic policy of the state. The restructuring of the energy system is also related to this strategic goal, where the trend of the future is greater use of local alternative renewable sources. The participation of agricultural production areas and the position of the countryside can also contribute to this. In this context, a certain possible way of solving lies in the implementation of a circular economy in the use of energy waste in the framework of agricultural production (both plant and animal) in rural areas. The waste of the mentioned sector of the economy meets the required standards of renewable resources for the decentralized production of energy commodities (mainly electrical and thermal energy) and the subsequent creation of an energy mix. Circular technologies set in this way also fulfill ecological goals in the context of the challenge of sustainable development in rural areas. For these reasons, the issue is also closely related to energy decentralization, resource diversification, self-sufficiency, national security and the independence of the Czech economy from fossil resources. As part of the support of important economic interests of the state, a synthesis of economic, environmental, social and security effects can be observed. In this context, the article demonstrates the multifunctional importance of agriculture for the national economy.
Rights: © Authors of papers
Appears in Collections:Business Trends 2022: Conference Proceedings
Business Trends 2022: Conference Proceedings

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