Katedra mezinárodního práva / Department of International Law
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Beneš, Vladimír
Porušení smluvních povinností podnikatelů u smluv o dílo v komparaci s německou právní úpravou, a to v kontextu smluv s mezinárodním prvkem This rigorous thesis deals with the question of regulation of cross-border contracts for work, specifically contracts concluded between Czech and German entrepreneurs. It focuses in particular on claims related to defects in work and contractual liability. The work is divided into three ... |
Kovářík, Martin
Statut Norimberského tribunálu (IMT) ve světle zásady nullum crimen sine lege. In my thesis I researched the London charter of the International Military Tribunal in the light of the principle nullum crimen sine lege. I focused on the process of founding the Nuremberg tribunal and its Statute. I examined each group of crimes, that were described by&... |
Bradáč, Radim
Smluvní odpovědnost v mezinárodní silniční přepravě. This thesis deals with contractual liability in international road transport. It aims to analyse in detail how a carrier can be held liable for damage caused in international road transport, with an emphasis on the carriage of cargo. This analysis identifies problematic and a... |
Suchá, Kristýna
Odpovědnost jednotlivce za účast na společném plánu ve světle mauthausenského procesu The thesis deals with the issue of responsibility for participation in the common design, paying particular attention to the Mauthausen trial. First, the notion of a common design is defined and how this notion was viewed by the judges in the trial concerning Mauthausen concen... |
Mazlová, Daniela
Kolizní úprava manželského práva. This diploma thesis discusses the conflict of laws regulation of marriage law. It deals with general institutes and legal sources in relation to marriage with a cross-border impact. The thesis is devoted in detail to institutes related to international marriage through national, interna... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law